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Best practices for utilizing auto tags

How to use auto tagging to expedite your candidate screening process

Nicole Grandinetti avatar
Written by Nicole Grandinetti
Updated over a week ago

Nimble’s auto tagging feature allows you to expedite application screening by applying tags to candidates’ profiles based on their answers to Yes/No and statement checkbox questions. To help you get started with this feature, we’ve compiled a bank of ideas for application questions and corresponding tags to make your screening process more efficient. This list is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive, but we hope it will help you jumpstart your use of auto-tags to streamline your candidate screening process.

Identifying visa sponsorship needs

Application question: Do you require visa sponsorship?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Requires visa sponsorship

  • No → No tag applied

Try this if: You want to filter out candidates applying for positions that are not eligible for visa sponsorship.

Confirming licensure

Application question: Are you currently licensed to teach in [my state]

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Licensed to teach in [my state]

  • No → auto tag applied: Not licensed to teach in [my state]

Try this if: You want to easily identify licensed candidates or identify non-certified candidates for assistant teaching jobs or alternative certification pathways.

Confirming years of experience

Application question: Do you have [number] years of experience as a [role] (ex. lead teacher, school leader, etc.)?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Adequate years of experience

  • No → No tag applied

Try this if: You want to filter for candidates based on whether they meet the minimum years of experience requirement for a particular role.

Confirming that the candidate has submitted the number of references required

Application question: Have you included [number] references as part of your application?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: All reference info included

  • No → auto tag applied: Reference info needed

Try this if: You want to more easily identify candidates who have completed reference requirements on their application and those who require follow-up.

Identifying former employees or volunteers

Application question: Have you ever worked or volunteered at [organization name]?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Previous employee or volunteer

  • No → No tag applied

Try this if: Your hiring process requires you to distinguish between internal and external candidates and you want to do this more easily

Confirming start date availability

Application question: Are you able to start on [date]?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Availability confirmed

  • No → No tag applied

Try this if: The start date for particular positions is not flexible and you want to filter out candidates who are not available on that date.

Confirming licensure for bus or van drivers

Application question: Do you have a current CDL license?

  • Yes → auto tag applied: Has CDL license

  • No → auto tag applied: Does not have CDL license

Try this if: You are hiring bus or van drivers who are required to have a current CDL license and want to easily filter for candidates who meet that criteria.

Reach out to us at with any questions about using auto-tags to more efficiently screen candidate applications. Happy hiring!

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