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Score View
Updated over a week ago

Score View

To access Score View, simply click on the edition or part you wish to open. Inside Score View, you'll be able to navigate through your score, bookmark pages, save your score offline, switch up your score view, and more.

Score Layout

At the top right of Score View are options to manage your score layout, quick access to parts and playlists, and to store the score offline.

Score Layout options include:

  • Fit to screen: Proportionally stretches the score to fit to the full height of your screen, no matter your orientation.

  • Fit to width: Proportionally stretches the score to fit to the full width of your screen. This may result in half page views - tap the score to move down the score in sections.

  • 2 pages: Displays 2 pages at a time.

  • 4 pages: Displays 4 pages at a time.

Scroll Bar

Use the scroll bar on the right side of your screen to navigate through your score.

Bookmarking, Hiding Pages, and Annotation Layers

To bookmark a page, simply scroll to the page and align it with the arrows on either side of the score. Then, click on one of the bookmark icons to bookmark the page.

To place repeat marks on a page, to jump back to a certain page whilst playing, simply scroll to the page and align it with the arrows on either side of the score. Then, click the repeat icons on your preferred pages.

To hide a page, simply scroll to the page and align it with the arrows on either side of the score. Then, click on the eye icon to hide the page. Click the eye icon again to reveal the page.

To view and manage your annotation layers, click on the layers icon.

View a score

To begin viewing a score, click on a page. To exit back to Score View, click the grey semi-circle on the right of your screen.


To adjust your Score View settings, go to ‘My Library’ and click the three-dot menu at the top right of your screen. Select ‘Settings’.

To configure the 'Fit to width' view and scrolling speed, move the scrubbers to your preferred settings.

App Tutorial

For a full app tutorial and breakdown of nkoda for Windows, Android, and Mac, take a look at our app presentation from the MOLA conference on YouTube:

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