In this article, we will help you set up Groove in Nooks so your team can dial through their Groove flows and actions directly in Nooks.
Connecting Groove to Nooks
Setting up Groove in Nooks is quick and easy! You'll need to connect both Groove and Salesforce to get started:
Connect your Groove account by simply signing in when prompted. We will request only the scopes we need.
Connect your Salesforce account the same way
That's it! You're ready to start making calls. We request only the API scopes we need to run Nooks and use industry standard OAuth 2.0 protocol to connect to both Salesforce and Groove.
Salesforce Field Mappings
In your Salesforce settings, configure which Salesforce fields you would like to see in your dialer. Nooks support all fields on the Account, Lead, Contact, Opportunity, and Campaign objects. You will also be able to sort by, group, and filter your dialing list using the Salesforce fields you have mapped.
These mapped fields will also appear in your prospect view within the dialer.
Call Dispositions
When you connect Groove, Nooks will automatically sync call outcomes from Groove. As with all other integrations in Nooks, you must set up dialer mappings - these indicate which call outcome Nooks will use when logging calls automatically.
Flows and Actions
Nooks seamlessly integrates with your Groove flows and actions, making it easy to track and manage your outreach:
Nooks loads up to 1,500 Groove flow call actions.
Use the Sequence and Sequence Step columns to view and filter your tasks by flow.
Filter, group by, and sort by any Nooks column or mapped Salesforce field .
Call Logging
Nooks logs your calls to Groove and/or Salesforce depending on the type of call.
First calls made while dialing a Groove flow in Nooks are logged in both Groove and Salesforce.
For prospects with multiple numbers, subsequent calls to a prospect on the same flow step are only logged to Salesforce.
Callbacks in Nooks are only logged in Salesforce.
One-off dials - calls made through the dial pad or by clicking to call on a prospect are only logged in Salesforce.
As a result of logging callbacks, one-off dials, and some calls to prospects with multiple numbers directly to Salesforce, Groove reporting may not always reflect the total number of calls made in Nooks. Nooks reporting will always reflect the total number of calls made out of Nooks.
Here is what logged calls in Salesforce look like.
Current Limitations
Groove does not support logging one-off dials. Therefore, some calls in Nooks -callbacks, dial pad calls, and calls made to prospects with multiple numbers on the same flow step will log directly to Salesforce. Groove reporting may not always reflect the total number of calls made in Nooks. Nooks and Salesforce reporting will reflect the total number of calls made out of Nooks.
For calls that are logged directly to Salesforce, Groove's automations for sequence removal and task advancement will not work. Our recommendation at this moment is to manually remove those prospects from flow within Groove.