This article will help you understand why specific tasks may not appear in your Nooks dialer. We recommend following the below listed steps in order
1) Try refreshing tasks
If you haven't refreshed tasks in a while, your task list may just be not synced from the SEP / CRM. In the top middle of your Nooks dialer you can see when your tasks were last loaded as well as force a refresh.
NOTE - refreshing the page will NOT refresh tasks. You'll need to explicitly click the refresh button as indicated in the screenshot below:
2) Confirm the correct list is selected
Double check you've selected the correct sequence, cadence, or list. This can be done in the top left of the dialer:
3) Check your filters
Often times you might have certain filters that are hiding your call tasks (e.g. business hours timezone filter).
You can tell if filters are hiding call tasks if you see "10 filtered" at the top near total task counts:
4) See if you have a large number of "uncallable" tasks
Tasks may be uncallable if the prospect has no valid phone number or those numbers have been snoozed or marked as a dial tree. You can see how many uncallable prospects you have and why they are uncallable in the task counts at the top middle of your dialer:
5) Other troubleshooting steps
There are some other reasons you may not see all the tasks you expect.
Below are potential reasons not all tasks are pulling in:
Maximim Task Limit Reached - Nooks pulls up to a maximum of 1,000 tasks. If you have more tasks, Nooks will only pull up to first 1,000 sorted by create date for performance reasons. As you complete tasks, you can click the refresh button to load in more.
Call tasks aren't due yet - Nooks will only pull in call tasks due that day. If tasks are due tomorrow, they won't be loaded into Nooks. Confirm in your SEP these tasks are due.
User Mapping - you may not be mapped to the correct CRM / SEP user. Contact your manager if you believe this may be the case.
Still can't figure it out? Please reach out to support after trying the above! Happy dialing! βοΈ