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Ross Staszak avatar
Written by Ross Staszak
Updated over 3 months ago

Basic users are limited to 6 active Notes. Access unlimited Notes by becoming a Navigator. Learn more.

Notes are exactly what you think they are — a place for you to record information that you'd like to be able to access at a later date. They're securely stored, easily searchable, and not tied to any time-based action.

Accessing Your Note View

Your Note view is accessed via the third icon from the left on the mobile app's bottom menu and the third from the top on the web's left-hand navigation menu.

Creating a Note

In the mobile app, click the Big Plus button while you're on the Note list view.

If you're on a different view (e.g. Routines or Tasks), you can press and hold the button in the mobile app to choose + Note.

On the web, simply click the Big Plus button and select + Note.

Getting the Most out of Feature

A Note-taking app is like a garage. If you keep it somewhat organized, you'll feel good when you're in there and find things easily. If you don't, you won't. Take an extra moment each time you add a Note to give it a good title, add it to a collection, etc.

Sometimes you forget so much about what you want to find that you can't come up with a good search term. Organize your Notes as though you don't have a search option.

However: Add additional text that you could imagine yourself searching when looking for this Note in the future.

What's Next?

Pins are next. Keep the momentum going.

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