The Pin feature in NoPlex is like bookmarks or favorites — a convenient tool that allows you to quickly access Tasks, Notes, and Routines that are critical or frequently used. By pinning these items, you can ensure they remain a few clicks away at any time.
How Pins Work
To pin something, navigate to either the Task/Note/Routine list view or a detail view and press the icon. This will add it to your pin menu, and the icon will darken to show you that it's been added.
If an item no longer needs to be quickly accessible, you can unpin it by clicking the icon again either in a list view or detail view. This will remove the item from your pin menu and place it back in its original category. You can also click the
icon next to the pinned item in the pin menu itself. Speaking of which...
The Pin Menu
The pin menu is easily accessible from all list views via a tab on the left side of the screen.
On the web, it appears beneath your Collections management and Sort controls and looks like this:
...and on the mobile app it is within the left drawer and it looks like this:
Simply click the tab on the left to access your pins.
Getting the Most out of Pins
Prioritize Wisely: Only pin items that require frequent attention or are of utmost importance to avoid cluttering your pin menu. Some users find that they tend to pin things that they believe they'll need to revisit soon after creating, but then fall out of the habit of removing them once they're no longer relevant — avoid this practice.
Review Your Pins Regularly: Every once in a while, take a look at your pin menu to ensure all pinned items are still relevant, and remove anything that isn't.
What's Next?
It's time to learn about Supporters — one of the most impactful NoPlex features.