Version 2.8
Date: March 4, 2025
Method for calculation and payment of winning Orders
All winning Orders are calculated based on contracts that settle to $0.01 if the corresponding outcome occurs.
Users may request purchase of a contract through placing an Order, which may be matched against Orders from Novig’s internal market maker or other Users’ Orders.
Upon placement of an Order, virtual currency will be moved from the User’s wallet into escrow.
Upon matching of an Order, virtual currency may be returned to the User’s wallet if the Order is matched at an improved price.
Upon Settlement, virtual currency may be returned to the User’s wallet if their Position has nonzero Settlement value. Each contract of exposure in favor of an outcome that occurs, or against an outcome that does not occur, will be worth 1¢ at Settlement.
The price of each contract is represented as a number between 0¢ and 1¢, exclusive, with three significant decimal figures (e.g. 0.230¢). Payouts are shown to the User in the Order Slip at the time of Order placement and in the User’s Order history.
Upon placement of an Order via the Novig application, the wager amount and odds input by the user may be rounded. Such rounding will always be favorable to the user, so that when a user is buying an Outcome, the odds round to the highest internally-representable price that is less than or equal to the exact price implied by the user odds. Further, because Novig only allows whole number purchases of contracts, the Order placed will be for a size such that the total amount wagered may equal but not exceed the wager amount input by the user.
Upon settlement and payout, no rounding occurs since a user’s Position is represented by a whole number of contracts, and since Novig internally represents balances exactly to a precision of $0.00001.
Effect of schedule changes
Markets where the event is rescheduled before the start of the event will be voided if the rescheduling moves the event more than 24 hours. Specific sport rules supersede this rule, such as in the case of American Football, where Orders will be voided if the event is not started in the same game week.
If a match is interrupted or postponed, and is not continued within 48 hours after the initial scheduled date, Orders will be void.
If a match is declared “official” by the league’s governing body, then Orders will be settled based upon the official determination of the league.
If a competition is otherwise not fully completed and the eventual market winner is unknown, all Orders will be declared as voided or canceled.
Markets which refer to whether a team/participant will reach a subsequent phase of the competition (e.g., Playoffs) will be settled as void should there be any changes to the format/number of participants scheduled to contest that particular phase or if that particular phase is not played at all, unless an outcome based on the market connotations at time of Order publishing has already been determined and the change in number of applicable games bears no influence on the outcome of the offer.
Method of notifying Users of odds or proposition changes
Odds are displayed to Users within the Novig application. All odds offered are subject to variation.
If, while attempting to place an Order, the available odds move above an Order’s price, the Order may be partially matched or canceled, depending on the available liquidity.
If, while attempting to place an Order, the available odds move below an Order’s limit price, in the User’s favor, the User will receive reimbursement for price improvement.
Acceptance of Orders at other than posted terms
If an Order has different terms or Settlement rules than those covered within this Market Rules document, the Settlement rules will be clearly shown within the application at the time of Order placement either within the market title (e.g., to win the NFL MVP Award excluding certain players, MLB Orders that are conditional upon a certain pitcher starting) or via a rules popup within the application (e.g. player must start for Order to be valid). The User is to be aware of all conditions, rules, and stipulations affecting any market in which they wish to play.
Method of contacting the Operator for questions and complaints
Novig can be contacted at the following email address for any questions or complaints: Novig typically responds to questions from Users within 24 hours. Novig’s primary method of communication with users who have questions is via in-app chat support, facilitated by Intercom.
Users also have the ability to email at any time, which is frequently monitored by the team’s internal customer service team. Novig will respond to any complaints within at least 10 business days from the time in which the complaint is received.
Description of Prohibited Participant
A prohibited player must refrain from using the Novig platform. Failure to comply with the provisions of this rule may result in disciplinary action up to and including criminal prosecution. Novig considers the following individuals as Prohibited Participants:
Any individual placing an Order as an agent or proxy
Any person who is an athlete, coach, referee, or player, in, or on, any sports event overseen by that person's sports governing body
A person who holds a Position of authority or influence sufficient to exert influence over the participants in a sporting contest, including, but not limited to, coaches, managers, handlers, or athletic trainers
A person under the age of 21
A person with access to certain types of exclusive information on any sports event overseen by that person's sports governing body based on publicly available information
Maximum payouts
Novig reserves the right to limit the total payout on any Order (including parlays) at the time of placement.
Minimum and maximum wager limits vary depending on the sport, the type of competition, the type of Order, and available liquidity.
Should an Order contain a combination of offers from different sports, events, markets, and/or offer types, the system will limit the wager amount so that the maximum net payout does not exceed $1,000,000.00.
All Order selections are subject to pre-imposed limits set solely at Novig’s discretion.
For maximum payouts, limits are only established through limiting the amount of an Order at placement and cannot be applied to reduce the amount paid to a User as a result of a winning Order.
“Obvious Error”
In case of any obviously incorrectly displayed or calculated odd, Novig reserves the right to cancel or void an Order. Incorrectly displayed or calculated odd is defined as being clearly incorrect and verifiable by comparison to alternative prices in the general market. Examples of obvious errors include, but are not limited to:
Order accepted during technical problems that would otherwise not have been accepted
Order price is lower than 0.001¢ or greater than 0.999¢
Order on markets containing incorrect participants
Order where the outcome was already determined
Order placed at odds that are considerably different from those available in the general market at the time that Order was placed
Order placed at odds which reflect an incorrect score situation
Order placed on odds clearly incorrect given the chance of the event occurring at the same time of placement
Order placed that has incorrect payout amount
Order where Novig continues to accept Orders in a market with potentially suspicious activity
Order placed on an event that does not exist
Order placed due to a clear and obvious error by a market maker or service provider that significantly deviates from fair market prices
Should Novig void an Order for any of the reasons listed above, Novig’s customer service team will attempt to contact the User with an explanation of the decision.
Should an error occur from an incorrect result, and the incorrect result leads to an overpayment of funds or winnings to a User’s account, Novig will make an adjustment to the account that may take any virtual coins relating to such overpayment at any time. Novig reserves the right to correct any Order payout resulting in an obvious error.
Novig is responsible for receiving and addressing any User disputes that should arise as a result of Orders placed on the platform.
Method of matching Orders
An incoming Order may be matched against one or more open Orders on the Order Book while:
The outcome and market are open with valid non-terminal statuses.
The outcomes associated with all matching Orders are mutually exclusive.
The incoming Order and any open Orders have a nonzero remaining unmatched quantity.
The sum of the prices of the matching Orders is sufficient to payout exactly 1¢ for every winning Order, regardless of the final settlement outcome.
If a User’s Order matches against one or more of the User’s other Orders on mutually exclusive outcomes, the matching portion of both Orders will be canceled and the matching algorithm will continue while the above conditions are met.
Market Lifecycle
Markets will close temporarily immediately before a game’s scheduled start time, clearing the Order Book of all open Orders.
Markets will close permanently once a game is marked as final by Novig’s data supplier and/or by Novig.
Markets will settle once the game is finished and results are approved by Novig’s data supplier and/or by Novig.
For markets whose outcomes may be determined unequivocally before a game ends (e.g. Total markets), markets may close prior to game finish. However, these markets will settle only when results are approved by Novig’s data supplier and/or by Novig.
Rejecting Orders
Novig reserves the right to reject any unmatched Order and to limit or change the price on an outcome in any market.
Restricted Payout
Novig will allow Users to place Orders on any outcome that decreases their effective net exposure in a given market (i.e. closing a position).
For example: if a User gets a match on an Order on the Total Over 8.5 outcome, they can place an Order on the Total Under 8.5 outcome in the same market.
Because these outcomes are mutually exclusive and totally exhaustive, the second Order will decrease the User’s effective net exposure in the market.
The quantity of the second Order may be partially covered by Restricted Payout, at most up to the value of their effective net exposure to the Over 8.5 outcome.
The User’s minimum Payout across all potential outcomes of a market (excluding pushes) constitutes the Restricted Payout and can be used to place Orders in that same market.
For example: a User places an Order of $100 at +100 odds on the Over 8.5 outcome, and then places an Order of $50 at +100 odds on the Under 8.5 outcome. The User would be paid out $200 if the Over occurs and $100 if the Under occurs; in any outcome, the User will be paid out at least $100. Thus, the User would be granted $100 of Restricted Payout that can be used toward the same Total Over/Under 8.5 market.
At any point, Novig reserves the right to disable or suspend the Restricted Payout feature, even if there is liquidity in a given market.
In-play Orders
Any Order made in-play may be subject to a delay according to Novig’s discretion. Trading in an ongoing event may be partially or fully suspended, according to Novig’s discretion.
Novig reserves the right to void any Order at any time, according to its discretion.
Novig reserves the right to change these Rules at any time and for any reason.
Markets are generally settled shortly after the end of the event in question. Novig may settle, or partially settle, some markets before the official result is declared purely as a customer service benefit. However, Novig reserves the right to amend the settlement of the market if:
The official result is different to the result on which Novig initially settled the market; or
If the whole market is eventually voided (e.g. for an abandoned event).
Novig reserves the right to reverse the settlement of a market if a market is
settled in error (for example, a human or technical error).
If Novig resettles a market, this may lead to amendments being made to a
customer's balance and/or the deduction of funds from a customer’s Account
to reflect changes in market settlement.
Novig will settle markets on the basis that it obtains the relevant information
once the outcome has been determined. If this information is not obtained, or if there is an obvious error in the information, the settlement of the Order will be based on other public information and official sources at the reasonable discretion of Novig.
“Moneyline” markets are markets where it is possible to place an (partial or definite) outcome of a match or event.
“Total” markets are markets where it is possible to place an (partial or definite) amount of a predefined occurrence (e.g. points, runs, rebounds, etc.). Should the total amount of the listed occurrences be exactly equal to the state line, then all Orders on this offer will be declared void.
“Spread” markets are markets where it is possible to place an Order on the margin of victory for a team in a game, or a subset of a game. The margin of victory is defined as the difference between the two teams’ scores. Spread lines denoted by “+” indicate that the listed occurrence is for the listed team to win, or to lose by a margin of victory at most the number of points preceding the “+”. Spread lines denoted by “-” indicate that the listed occurrence is for the listed team to win by a margin of victory equal to or more than the point value preceding the “-”. Should the margin of victory of the listed occurrence be exactly equal to the Spread line, then all Orders on this market will be declared void.
Games must start in the same scheduling week of the league (for NFL, the scheduling week is Thursday-Wednesday, local stadium time; for NCAA, the scheduling week is Tuesday-Monday, local stadium time) for Orders to have action.
If a game is halted before the minimum time has been played (all but 5 minutes at a minimum), and not completed within 24 hours of the scheduled start date, Orders will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined (unless otherwise stated).
If a game is halted at any time, and replayed in full, all full game and undetermined Orders will be void.
If a game venue is changed, and the home team remains designated as such, Orders will stand, otherwise, Orders placed on the original listing will be void.
In 2-way markets, games can result in a push, unless otherwise stated.
All Orders include overtime unless otherwise stated.
Forfeited games, whether won or lost, will not count as a game played or completed (or any other similar term) for Settlement purposes.
Any Orders on Spread, Moneyline, and Total markets for the full game include overtime scoring. Orders for the 4th quarter do not include overtime scoring.
Orders on specific quarters or halves will be graded if the period listed has been played in full.
For all NFL player markets, wagers will be void (unless explicitly stated in market specific rules) if the listed player does not participate at any point in the game, including any appearance on offense, defense, or special teams.
The following rules apply to all baseball events offered on the Novig platform.
Games will settle with outcomes according to the relevant league or competition’s governing body.
If a game does not start on the officially scheduled day (local venue time) as published by the associated league or competition, all Orders on the game will be declared void.
If a game starts, is suspended, and then resumes more than 12 hours later, all Orders on the event will be declared void.
Unless stated otherwise, all game results become official only following the completion of the entire baseball game. A completed baseball game entails either a) at least 9 innings of play or b) 8.5 innings of play in the event the home team is leading going into the bottom of the 9th, in which case the home team is declared the victor. This is known as the 8.5 inning rule, and applies to all markets unless otherwise noted.
A game must be a “regulation game” for full-game Moneyline Orders to stand. A regulation game is one in which (1) five innings have been completed in full or (2) the home team has scored more runs in four and a half innings. If a game is called off before either case, then all Orders associated with the game are declared void. This is known as the 4.5 inning rule.
Extra innings will be included for Settlement in all games where extra innings are played.
Forfeited games, whether won or lost, will not count as a game played or completed (or any other similar term) for Settlement purposes. Consequently, all Orders on a forfeited game will be void.
Moneyline Orders will be honored using the “Action” rule. Action: All Orders placed on the Moneyline are defaulted to “Action.” This means that all Orders placed will stand if a pitcher change occurs. Orders will be honored at the odds at placement and settled as normal, even if a pitcher change moves the pregame odds.
All markets which have a time period attached to the Order, whose period has elapsed, and results are unequivocally determined, will be settled regardless of the state of the full game or any postponement.
For all MLB player markets, wagers will be void as per below (unless explicitly stated in market specific rules):
Pitcher Markets: If the listed pitcher does not start the game.
Batter Markets (Hits, Runs, etc.): if the listed player does not record a plate appearance.
To Hit a Home Run: Listed players must record at least 1 plate appearance for bets to stand. If listed players do not record a plate appearance, bets on that player will be void.
Games must start on the scheduled day (local stadium time) for Orders to have action.
Orders on games suspended after they have started will have action as long as the game is resumed within 24 hours of the original start time. If a suspended game is scheduled to be resumed more than 24 hours after the original start time, all Orders will be void, unless the Order has been unequivocally determined prior to the game’s suspension.
If a game is terminated before becoming official and is not scheduled to resume from where it was halted, all Orders will be void, unless the Order was already determined (e.g. a first-half Order will stand if the first half is completed, even if the game is suspended prior to the second half being completed).
If a game is halted at any time, and replayed in full, all full game or unsettled Orders will be void.
If a game venue is changed and the home team remains designated as such, Orders will stand.
If a game venue is changed and the home and away team’s listings are reversed, Orders placed on the original listing will be void.
In 2-way markets, games can result in a push, unless otherwise stated.
All full game Orders include overtime unless otherwise stated.
Orders on specific quarters or halves will be graded if the period listed has been played in full.
Forfeited games, whether won or lost, will not count as a game played or completed (or any other similar term) for Settlement purposes.
For all NBA and WNBA player markets, orders will be void (unless explicitly stated in market specific rules) if the listed player does not participate at any point in the game.
Orders will be settled on the official result announced in the octagon. Subsequent appeals/amendments do not affect settlement (unless the amendment was made due to human error when announcing the result).
Should a contest be postponed, orders will stand if the rescheduled event occurs within 48 hours. Otherwise, all orders in relation to the contest will be void.
In the event of a ‘no contest’ being declared, all orders will be made void, except for trades in markets where the outcome has already been unequivocally determined.
Should there be a substitution for one of the fighters, orders on the original contest will be void.
If a fight is changed from 3 rounds to 5 rounds or from 5 rounds to 3 rounds, Moneyline trades will stand, but all other markets will be voided.
Prices are offered for each fighter to win the fight and, in the event of a draw, all trades will be void and stakes returned (for these purposes, draws will include fights which end in a 'majority draw').
Total Rounds:
If a fighter withdraws in the period between rounds, the fight will be deemed to have ended in the previous round for the purpose of “Total Rounds” settlement.
For “Total Rounds” settlement purposes, 2 minutes and 30 seconds will represent half a round (if the round lasts for 5 minutes). For example, for a trade on “Over 1.5 rounds” to be a winner, the fight must last beyond 2 minutes and 30 seconds in round 2. If the number of rounds in a fight is changed after “Total Rounds” markets have been set, then all trades on these markets will be void.
Should the scheduled number of rounds be changed before the fight, all “Total Rounds“ trades will be made void.
Go the Distance:
This market is settled on whether or not all scheduled rounds in the fight will be completed. If the fight is stopped before the end of the last scheduled round and a Technical Decision is declared, the “no” selection will be the winning selection and trades on the “yes” selection will be losses.
Round & Minute Markets:
For the purpose of settlement;
The 1st minute of a round is from 00:00 to 00:59;
The 2nd minute of a round is from 01:00 to 01:59;
The 3rd minute of a round is from 02:00 to 02:59;
The 4th minute of a round is from 03:00 to 03:59; and
The 5th minute of a round is from 04:00 to 05:00.
The first 30 seconds of a round are from 00:00 to 00:29 and the last 30 seconds of a round from 04:30-05:00.
If the fighter retires in the corner between rounds the last minute of the previous round will be paid as a winner.
For the purpose of grading player props, Novig uses box scores from a third party vendor which may not reflect official league box scores or post-event stat corrections. Player props may be re-graded for stat corrections up to 24 hours after events have concluded.
Games must go 55 minutes for Orders to stand. In the event a game is suspended prior to the 55th minute of play and does not resume within 24 hours, Orders will be void unless the result of a market has been unequivocally determined during the normal course of play.
All markets will be settled inclusive of overtime (including any subsequent shootout) unless explicitly stated to be settled on 60 Minutes or Regulation Time.
In the event of a shootout, the winning team will be credited with one goal. This counts for all markets where applicable.
Money Line/Puck Line/Total Goals/Alternates - Includes overtime and any subsequent shootout for settlement purposes. In the event of the total being the exact index quoted, Orders will result in a push.
60 Minute Markets - Where indicated 60 minute markets exclude overtime and shootout goals. If the game goes to overtime, the “tie” selection will be the winner.
Total Goals (Flat Line) – Settled on the total goals scored during a game. If the result is equal to the quoted index, Orders will be voided.
Period Markets - Settled on the exact score of the specified period. For settlement purposes the 3rd period does not include any overtime played.
1st/2nd/3rd Period Money Line - Settled on the final score of the listed period only. If the score is a tie, Orders will be voided.
A parlay order consists of two or more selections, which must all win for a payout to be due.
A “Same Game Parlay” is a type of parlay order that combines eligible selections within the same event. Individual event markets that are eligible to be combined will include a “Same Game Parlay” designation.
Novig reserves the right in its sole discretion not to accept certain parlay orders or to scale back the amount of an order.
All parlay orders placed are subject to the Market Rules that apply to each individual sport that relates to any leg of any parlay order.
In the event of one or more selections grading as “Void” or “Push”:
if there are other selections within the same event, the entire parlay will be voided, and the amount will be returned to the User’s wallet.
If there are no other selections within the same event, that selection or selections will be removed from the parlay, and the parlay payout will be adjusted accordingly.
* These Rules apply to all Novig Contests, both Freemium and Sweepstakes. All mentions of “wagers,” “payout,” or related terms are in reference to virtual coins — Novig Coins or Novig Cash — and not real money. Novig is a sports prediction platform that offers freemium and sweepstakes games to users 21 and older, with no purchase necessary.