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Creating and Editing Types
Creating and Editing Types

As well as the Categories, Types help you to classify and maintain a coherent order to your content.

Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

Types are useful for classifying your VOD and Live contents. it’s crucial to create types for your assets.

The difference between the two is that a Type after creating your PlayList, you could add sub child playlist to any of your programmes.

Remember that your pages and subpages will need to be populated with Playlists from the Playlist Manager section, but within the programs, you could also include some Playlists, thus, Type is necessary. Please see one of our examples to make it clear.

Common Types for video content might include Season, Episode, Series, among others.

To create a New Type

Step 1: On the Nunchee navigation menu, click on Content.

Step 2: On the Content page, choose what kind of type you want to create. Click on "Add Category"

Step 3: On the Add-Type page, enter a unique title and access Groups.

Step 4: Click Save.

To Edit a Type

Step 1: On the Nunchee navigation menu, click on Categories.

Step 2: On the Category page, search for the type to be edited, then click the Edit.

Step 3: On the Add-Type page, edit the category, then click Save.

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