How do content types work

The different types of content are useful to classify your VOD and Live contents. Create a hierarchy as well.

Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

As well as the Categories, Types help you to classify and maintain a coherent order to your content.

The difference between the VOD and Live contents is that a Type after creating your PlayList, you could add sub child playlist to any of your programmes.

Remember that your pages and subpages will need to be populated with Playlists from the Playlist Manager section, but within the programs, you could also include some Playlists, thus, Type is necessary. Please see one of our examples to make it clear.

Common Types for video content might include Season, Episode, Series, among others.

Let’s say you have a Serie such as “Luis Miguel” and you have the rights to publish all its sessions.

The aim is to build a PlayList that will contain ”Luis Miguel” series and on its content, you want to include some playlists, one for "Session 1" and another PlayList for the "Trailer". Let’s see some screenshots of what we are talking about.

A PlayList on Home Page.

Two PlayLists inside of the Luis Miguel programme.

To archive, this structure, Content Types are needed. They will allow you to add sub child playlist to any of your programmes.

The following steps were followed to build the above scenario. You might need to change/skip some of the steps depending on your requirements, but this article should make you able to build your own Programme.

Step 1: Create a Category. Content > Categories

Step 2: Create Types. Content > Types.

They will be used for the PlayList within “Luis Miguel” programme.

Step 3: Upload all the Videos. Content Manager > Video on Demand > Add new Video On Demand

Important to select Categories and Content-Type. This first “Video On Demand” will be the FrontPage when users click on the PlayList sits on the Home page.

You can also upload some images.

Once you created the Front Page, you will need to add additional playlists to it where end-users will be able to select what video to watch.

Step 4: Click on the new Video On Demand we created and from there we need to start creating our “Season 1” and “Session 2”.

All the videos will need to have the same "Content-Type". For Example. All the videos from "Season 1", their "Content-Type" should "Episodes".

All the videos from "Season 2", their "Content-Type" should "Episodes", and so on.

Step 5: Important to select the Content-type when creating the Video on Demand. 

Step 6: Select the video from the Library if you already uploaded it or you can upload it from your computer.

After you uploaded and organize your content, now it is time to create the Playlist.

Step 7: Create a playlist from Playlist Manager. It will bring all the video with “Content Type” = “Serie”.

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