Nunchee Quick Setup
Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

Here is a quick guide on how we recommend starting with Nunchee Platform to build your OTT.

Step 1

Add your pages. A page is a section on your app filled in with content such as Videos or News. As a rule of thumb, each page should contain at least 5 playlists and each playlist should contain at least 5 assets (Videos or News). It means that you will need to have 25 assets per page.

If you have a lot content, think a way of grouping it in 4 - 5 pages. It's better to start with only few pages and then add afterwards.

Step 2

Upload your content and start categorizing it.

Upload your content
Watch our video: 

Create your playlist to be added to your pages.

Step 3

Publish your App to see how your application looks like.

Step 4

Are you going to implement subscription payment method?
If your answer is yes, please refer to

If your answer is no, skip this step. You always came back if you decide to enjoy this feature.

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