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Configuring and publishing your Nunchee apps
Configuring and publishing your Nunchee apps
Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

Once you login to Nunchee Console, you will see the “App Builder” section. Here is where you set up the initial configuration for every device. Everything related to templates, colors palette, apps metadata, sitemap structure, among others.

Note: It’s an easy task, that only takes a few minutes. More important, you can make changes in this configuration any time you want.

Step 1: Click on “App builder” and enter “Color and Layout”. You will be able to choose the template that suits you better depending on the type of content that you will create on your OTT and what color palette represents your brand.

For example, if you are looking to build a traditional video-on-demand service for your films and series, the Movies & TV template is a perfect fit.

Then, choose a color palette that works well with your brand.

Remember to save the changes.

Step 2: Click on Store Presence: This is a very important section for the uploading & reviewing process of your apps. Name and descriptions need to be very accurate so that you can have a great ASO (App Store Optimization). You can always come back to this section to update information, but remember that after you publish your apps, any changes will require a new build.

Todas las imagenes, site map,

Note: You will find the button:

... in all the sub-sections of "Store Presence", but just Publish it when you make sure all the configuration is ready to go live. The Webpage takes 15 to 20 minutes to go live. Apps can take 2 to 4 days, top.

Nunchee Tip: Choose a subdomain: All Nunchee clients will have a URL. If you want to redirect your proprietary domain to your Nunchee domain, you will need to contact one of our video specialists.

It's always helpful to review the following links before you choose your store appearance.

Required Images: In order to publish your apps, you will need to upload the required assets in the required dimensions and formats for all stores. Fill free to design whatever design you want!

Content description: Select the level of frequency that best describes your app. The app rating that will display on the App Store is the same across all of your platforms. It is based on the app's platform with the highest rating.

Apps must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive, or defamatory materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, etc).

Step 3: Setup the sitemap, creating ‘pages’ and ’subpages’ according to how you want to organize your branded apps. Remember you can preview the structure you are creating on the right side of the screen. (more information about site map creation: Getting Started).

1) Add a new section with one click and name it. (Image example)

2) Need to add a new level? Add subpages in the exactly same way. Just click and enter a name for that section. Important Note: Please consider that the end-user will see the titles of the section exactly how you entered, so avoid typo errors or long names. (Image example)

3) Need the end-user to register in your service? Activated it with one click! They will be able to sign in and then login with their registered email and password. (Image example)

4) Fill the information required by the App Store and Google Play to publish your apps.

Note: Don’t forget to save the changes! We got you covered… We`ll remind you as many times as required :)

Step 4: Once your Site and apps configuration is finished, its very important to add as many contents as you can. App Stores will not approve your OTT apps if there is not sufficient content or the content metadata does not fit apps store guidelines. Please review the following links to understand our suggestions:

Important: During the App Stores reviews, your apps may be rejected if you don’t provide real content.

You can find short videos on how to create content and playlist inside each section.

Whenever you feel ready to Go Live, return to Store Presence at the App Builder Section, and click on Publish!

Do you have any questions? Contact us! We’ll be happy to help!

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