Getting your OctoPrint logs might be useful for a lot of debugging purposes.
OctoPrint logs can contain private information - never share them publicly.
Here's how to get your logs:
Open your OctoPrint web portal.
Open the OctoPrint settings
Go to "Logging" in the settings
Delete your current logs:
Find the log row that says "octoprint.log"
Click the trash can icon to delete it.
Set Logging Level:
Under "Logging Levels" find "octoprint" and make sure the value is DEBUG
Press "Save" to close the settings UI
Reproduce your issue - ideally a few times.
Restart OctoPrint:
Click the power icon in the top right OctoPrint's web portal
Select "Restart OctoPrint"
Go back to the OctoPrint settings, then to the Logging settings panel.
Find the "octoprint.log" file row and click the download icon.
Once you have your logs, please share them with our OctoEverywhere support team. We are happy to look into your issue and help! π₯°