The OctoEverywhere installer leaves behind a log file, which is helpful for debugging. This installer is used for OctoEverywhere for Klipper, the OctoEverywhere Companion for Klipper, and OctoEverywhere Bambu Connect.
The installer logs can contain private information - keep them private.
The log file path is:
There are a few ways to copy the log to your local device:
Some terminal applications will have a visual file explorer, where you can find the log file and drag it to your computer.
SCP is a Linux command line tool that can copy files to your local computer via SSH.
If nothing else works, use the
command to print the file to the terminal and copy the text, take a screenshot, or snap a picture with your phone!
To copy the file via scp, use a command that looks like something like:
scp <linux user>@<printer ip address>:~/octoeverywhere-installer.log ~/octoeverywhere-installer.log
This SCP command will copy the installer log file from the remote device specified by the IP address to the home directory of the device you're on.
Once you have the log file, send it to our support team, and we will be happy to help!