Receipts and payments
Updated over a week ago

Create a payment for a service

Method 1 - From the payment list:

  1. Click on Payments in the left side menù:

  2. Click on "Create Payment" at the top right.

  3. Choose the type of payment, Incoming or Outgoing and click on "Create".

  4. Enter the amount, date, description and payment method, you can also select a service from the drop-down menu and match the payment to an invoice.

  5. Click Save.

Method 2 - From the service detail page:

  1. Click on servicies in the left side menu.

  2. Select the service you want to add the payment to.

  3. In the payments box click on "Create Payment" button.

  4. Click on "ADD" button the right button at the top right.

  5. Enter the amount, date, description and payment method.

  6. Click "Save".

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