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Reschedule Promo Emails and Social Media Posts
Reschedule Promo Emails and Social Media Posts

This article will explain the process for rescheduling your promo emails or social media posts.

Micky Small avatar
Written by Micky Small
Updated over a week ago

If you need to change the dates of your show for any reason, including postponement, you can update the schedule for your automatic promo emails/social media posts.

These are on the same schedule. If you decide not to use them, both will be disabled. You are not able to use one but not the other.

Please note: If your show sells out, these emails will continue to be sent. Please contact if you'd like them to be turned off.

  • From your show's Details page click Promote.

This page will show you a listing of your upcoming posts including the scheduled dates. Click Update Schedule.

Click Reschedule.

Your dates will update based on the new performances.

Please note: This will not affect posts/emails that have already been released. This will only change upcoming posts. Scheduled posts go out at 11am on the day listed in your dashboard and are scheduled 24 hours in advance. Any changes need to be made by 5:00PM EST the night before.

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