🎭Noteworthy: Formatting within Showgram including font size is not currently customizable. To ensure your Showgram is available digitally, make sure your organization whitelists the following URL: https://showgr.am/.3
All images need to be in JPEG or PNG format. WebP files will not work. I-Phones often save files as WebP.
You can access the Showgram by clicking on Details from your main dashboard.
In the left hand panel, click on Showgram.
Photos from the Cast/Creative pages can be resized by double clicking
Printing a Hard Copy Showgram for Copying
Click on the red 'Actions' button on the top right corner of the page.
Select 'Download PDF.'
This will download a copy of your document to your desktop.
Open the document in a PDF program. The example below is done using Adobe Acrobat.
Click on the Printer icon.
Select 'Booklet' on this menu.
The booklet combines two pages per single printed page.
Please note: Showgram supports languages other than English!
The Showgram Generator program utilizes these default fonts:
Title: 'DM Sans', sans-serif
p, span, h5, h6, li: 'DM Sans', sans-serif
h1, h2, h3, h4: 'DM Serif Text', serif