Click for instructions for GoDaddy, Wix or Squarespace sites.
After whitelisting your domain as instructed above you will need to add the widget code to the <head> tag of your website. The easiest way for most users to do this is by using a “code snippets” plugin rather than editing your theme files directly. We recommend WPCode Lite, which is a free plugin.
You will create two code snippets to add the widget to your site. First, after installing the plugin, select “Add Snippet” and then choose “Add Your Custom Code” option. Paste the script you copied from the OTS admin site into the Code Preview box. Make sure Type is set to “HTML Snippet”, Insert Method is “Auto Insert” and the Location is “Site Wide Header”. Click the Update button to proceed.
Create a shortcode for the actual widget embed itself. Click “Add Snippet” from the side bar and choose the “Add Your Custom Code” option again. You will paste the code reference from the OTS admin screen into the Code Preview box. Make sure Type is set to “HTML Snippet”, Insert Method is “Shortcode”. The plugin will automatically generate a shortcode for you. Click the Update button to proceed.