User Events for Web2App onboarding
Written by Валерия Зимницкая
Updated over a week ago

Once the analytics scripts are connected to your project and the web link is created or updated, the following events will be automatically transmitted to your analytics system:

When Onboarding Starts (first screen of Web2App onboarding is viewed):

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


/ projectName
// projectId
// onboardingName
// onboardingId
// landingId
// landingName

When Each Onboarding Screen Appears to the User:

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


// screenID

// screenName

For Different Button Presses on Each Screen:

The Header Screen (top panel) may contain 2 buttons:

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics

Image with button as an example


// screenID

// screenName


// screenID

// screenName

Footer Screen (bottom panel) may also contain 2 buttons:

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics

Image with button as an example


// screenID

// screenName


// screenID

// screenName

For Screens Where Users Input Data or Select from a List (table cells):

Events about the user's input or selection will be sent. The following screens will send events about entered data:

Table Multiple Selection

Table Single Selection


2 Column/Multiple Selection

2 Column/Single Selection




The data entry parameter is sent when moving to the next screen:

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


// screenID

// screenName

// userInputValue*

// buttonTitle**

* // userInputValue - This parameter contains a list of values entered by the user.

**//buttonTitle - This parameter includes the name of the table cell pressed by the user, transmitted for the following screens: Table Multiple Selection, Table Single Selection, 2-column Multiple Selection, 2-column Single Selection, Image Title Subtitle Selection.

After the User Presses a Button Leading to the Next Screen:

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


// screenID

// screenName

// userInputValue

// nextScreenId

If the User Moves to the Next Screen Automatically Using the Timer Setting (enabled by default for the following screens: Slider, Progress Bar/Title and can be enabled on any screen with the Timer option):

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


// screenID

// screenName

If Onboarding is Completed by the User (user moves forward from the last screen of onboarding):

Event name in analytics

Event parameters in analytics


// userInputValues

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