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The Drill Down Modal

Get more insight into the data that makes up your metric totals.

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over a week ago


OneUp's drill down modal provides a powerful way to view and manage your data. Need to look up a specific interview? Want to know your average deal value last quarter? Want to know which client you placed the most candidates with? We've got you covered!

Accessing Drill down

Drill down can be viewed from a couple of places on OneUp. It's easily recognisable - hover over a data point and you'll see a blue Drill down button appear. Click this to dive deeper into your data.

Where can I drill into my data?

Find Drill Down on:

  1. The Dashboard, by hovering over any target or metric tile (as seen below):

2. In Performance Analytics, by hovering on data cells in the reporting table. Drill down is available for individual data, team data, company data, as well as data on the summary row level (showing totals):

Using Data Insights

Use the tabs at the top of the Drill down window to switch between Charts and Data Insights.

The Data Insights view allows you to see a breakdown of all the additional activity that we receive from your CRM system. For example, when looking into revenue data, you'll be able to see the company the revenue is from, the status of the deal the revenue came from, and its start and end date (if applicable).

To use Data Insights:

  1. Select the date range you'd like to view a breakdown of performance for using the date picker on the Dashboard or your reports.

  2. Click the blue Drill down button on your chosen metric (on the dashboard) or data cell (in your Performance Analytics reports) to open up the drill down modal, then use the tabs at the top left of the new window to switch to Data Insights.

A list of all performance contributing to that metric over your selected time period is created.

From here, you can:

  • resize the columns to view all of your data at once,

  • move the columns around in any order you wish,

  • sort the information in the table based on one column, ascending or descending, by clicking the column headings,

  • filter records by data in a given column by clicking the icon that appears to the right of each column.

You can also group entries in the Data Insights table by a specific column. This allows you to do things like view all jobs from a particular client, or all candidates from a particular source. If you're looking at your revenue for the year and you want to see who your most valuable client is, simply group your data by company. To take it a step further, group by job title to see which roles were filled in each company.

To do this, click and hold the column title, then drag it into the grey section above.

You can clear the grouping by clicking the X next to the column name in the grey row at the top of the table.

The layout of your Data Insights window can now be customised to suit your preferences. If there's a column you'd like to add, or an ordering you'd prefer, you can use the Dictionary page to alter it. Check out this helpdesk article on how to use to Dictionary!

The View Event button to the right of each data row allows you to view the raw data that comes to OneUp from your CRM. This can be useful for diagnosing any problems with data.

Using Charts

Use the tabs at the top of the Drill down window to switch between Charts and Data Insights.

Charts are a great way to view the performance over time for a given metric. If you'd like to track performance against target, or view your monthly trend for new deals, this is your tool!

The bar chart shows performance against the chosen metric, for the time period selected. The red line displays target performance, whilst the green dotted line is an accumulation of performance over the date range.

Generating a chart

  1. Select the date range you'd like to view the chart for using the date picker on the dashboard or your report.

  2. Click the blue Drill down button on your chosen metric (on the dashboard) or data cell (in the matrix) to open up the chart view.

  3. Your chart is generated. Now, you can customise your chart with lots of different options.

  • Use the Chart Resolution dropdown box at the top right of the window to change the time increments on the x-axis. The larger the time period chosen for the initial data set, the more options you will have to select from.

  • You can click on the titles of the legend at the bottom of the chart to show or hide them in the chart (the bars or line graphs).

  • Use the zoom modifiers (the + and - buttons, found underneath the chart resolution dropdown box) to zoom in and out for viewing specific sections on the chart.

  • Click the hand icon to drag your chart and scroll through the specified time period once zoomed in.

  • To return your chart to the view it loaded with, click the house icon.

  • If you're done customising your chart and you want to share it with colleagues or include it in your own reports, you can do so with the export button at the far right of the chart controls. You can download the chart as an SVG or PNG file.

Troubleshooting ✨

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat. We'll be happy to help! πŸ’™

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