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How to Change Shipping Cost on Existing Subscription / How to Edit Shipping Price
How to Change Shipping Cost on Existing Subscription / How to Edit Shipping Price

Change Shipping Rate / Edit Delivery Price / Update Delivery Cost

Adriana Pope avatar
Written by Adriana Pope
Updated over a week ago

Yes, you can edit the shipping cost for a subscription.

When you update your Shopify Shipping Rates, your shipping costs associated with people who already subscribed stay the same.

To help you with this, we launched a new feature that allows you to edit the shipping cost for a subscription order.

From Ongoing –> Subscriptions –> click on Subscription # you want to manage –> you’ll see a new section displaying the delivery price –> click EDIT.

Here you can enter a new delivery price. Click Save Changes.

This will automatically change the delivery price for the next recurring billing and all future recurring billings.


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