Tracking student attendance is a key task for office professionals, and jmc Office makes it easy with the Period Attendance module! Mark students as absent or tardy, provide a reason for the absence, and even add comments to keep everyone informed of important attendance details. Streamline attendance-taking further by processing jmc Teacher and Attendance Hotline submissions—all from this convenient hub!
To enter or edit student attendance, start in jmc Office and navigate to Period Attendance > Data > Edit Attendance.
Step One: Choose the "Day" radio button to mark students as absent for a specific day, or the "Student" radio button to mark the day(s) a particular student is absent or tardy.
Helpful Tip: Need to mark an entire group of students absent or tardy? Choose the "Grade," "Activity," "Course," or "Multiple" radio button to select all students in a specified group.
Step Two (optional): Select a Tag group using the "Tag" drop-down list to narrow the range of students that appear in the student list when taking attendance by day or student.
Step Three: Select a student and date from the appropriate list and click the “Add” button to create an absence record for the selected student.
Fun Fact: If a teacher has marked a student as absent or tardy from jmc Teacher, the student's name or date will automatically appear in the "Absent/Tardy Students" or "Days" box to seamlessly communicate absences from their classrooms.
Step Four: Select the appropriate absence or tardy option under the "All Day" or period(s) column(s) to mark the student absent or tardy for that timeframe.
Pres: present (not absent or tardy)
Abs E: excused absence
Abs U: unexcused absence
Tdy E: excused tardy
Tdy U: unexcused tardy
Step Five: Select a reason for the absence or tardy using the "Reasons" drop-down list to indicate why the absence or tardy occurred.
Step Six (optional): Enter a comment in the "Comments" box to provide additional details about a student's absence.
Fun Fact: No need to look for a "Save" button, period attendance will auto-save for you!
Step Seven: Refresh your page to view new absences or tardies submitted by teachers or by families through the Attendance Hotline.