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Office Staff
Everything you need to know about jmc Office.
Providing access to the jmc Family portal
Navigating the jmc Office Homepage
Navigating the "View Student Data" page
Understanding contacts in jmc
Exploring jmc Office
Utilizing the jmc Admin Connect app
Set up students to receive voice and text messages
Create and schedule FAST testing courses
Defining lunch count options for teachers in jmc Office
Link iCal calendars to jmc activities
Setting up the "Student Scope" page in jmc Office
Understanding jmc's Flex Scheduler
Enabling MCCC reporting via Ed-Fi
Allowing students to change their jmc student passwords
Setup Discipline Referrals Email Alerts in jmc Office
Accept updated family contact information in jmc Office
Monitoring students with the Admin Dashboard
Enabling iCal calendar integration in jmc Office
Setting up early warning-at risk in the Admin Dashboard
Learning the ins and outs of the Admin dashboard
Set random passwords for students and parents
View jmc Teacher as an administrator
Explore the building tab in the Admin Dashboard
Filtering student information in the Admin Dashboard
Enabling the Flex Scheduler for your building
Customizing Competency-Based Grading terminology
Add a logo to long text messages
Prepare Ed-Fi settings for Nebraska state reporting
Configure Ed-Fi settings for WISEdata submissions
Configure the jmc Family and jmc Student portal settings
Customizing teacher access to jmc
Set teacher access to the Communication module in jmc Office
Open and close online course registration
Create an office user
Navigate the starting the school year checklist like a pro
Add events to the Family app using the Event Scheduler
Configuring Family app settings in jmc Office
Creating custom fields questions for online registration
Granting Student Scope access
Initializing Contact Phone Numbers
Customizing Phone Dialer Settings
Integrate with Direct Admissions Minnesota
Setting password security and two-factor authentication in jmc Office
Managing tags
Using tags to differentiate students
Changing the time zone in your jmc database
Handling students entering or leaving your school
Exploring jmc's Edit Menu
Assigning tags for individual students
Enter a new student with the New Student Wizard
Distribute family login information
Return a 5th year senior
Editing student demographic data
Assign a second advisor
Attaching a contact to a student
Nebraska: The General tab on the View Student Data page
Adding comments using the "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page
Editing custom fields on the View Student Data Custom tab
Entering ELL/LIEP records for a Wisconsin student
Adding a photo for an individual student
Understanding the "Sensitive" tab on the "View Student Data" page
Working with special education records for Wisconsin students
Understanding the Wisconsin "State Rpt" tab on the "View Student Data" page
Editing a Minnesota MARSS status line
Edit student custom data
Entering a student's preferred name in jmc
Delete a student
Make mass changes to student information fields
Editing school data for start year Wisconsin state reporting
Entering digital equity information on the "View Student Data" page
Add student bussing details on the "View Student Data" page
Importing digital equity data from a prior year
Set up the Period Attendance module
Transfer students between jmc districts
Import student transfers
Defining bell schedules
Export student transfers
Create a student data list in jmc Office
Defining class periods within a bell schedule
Establishing school calendars in jmc
Establishing your district and building level calendars in jmc
Set special days
Set term dates in jmc Office
Adding and editing contacts on Edit Contacts
Learning the basics of jmc Office
Reports and data lists in jmc
Print or export mailing labels
Create and export a student photo file
Run a "Print a Contact Directory" report
Using the "Drop Student" feature in jmc Office
Re-enter a student to active status
Run a For a Day Attendance Report
Running a "Membership Count" report
Print Period Attendance form letters
Edit contacts to receive voice and text messages
Merge duplicate contacts
Print AM/PM Attendance form letters
Adding students that are returning to your school
Discover jmc's Grading module
View teacher grade submission status in jmc Office
Edit a student's grades in jmc Office
Run a credit check detail for a student in jmc Office
Import ACT test scores into jmc Office
Create subject areas in the credit checker
Run a credit check
Emailing report cards feature in jmc Office
Pulling teacher grades and standards and benchmark results automatically into jmc Office
Manually enter grades and comments for a class
Accepting course grades and standards and benchmarks results in jmc Office
Extracting ISASP student files
Customize report card messages
Print honor roll reports
Print or email end of term course grades in jmc Office
Run a "Class Rank" report
Running a "Grade Point Averages" report
Adding or editing student transcripts
Print and email midterm report cards
Determining your school's grading solution
Run a missing scores report
View progress reports and grade information in jmc Office
Run a Grade Report
Print and email custom report cards
Reporting course grades with jmc
Edit grade values
Enter system-wide teacher grade cutoffs and CBG results in jmc Office
Transcripts overview
Bring student transcripts up to date
Print or export student transcripts
Creating transfer courses on a student transcript
Export student rosters to FastBridge
Review the credit checker setup
Import credit requirements in Credit Checker
Print graduation credit requirements
Edit graduation course requirements in jmc Office
Understanding student grade point averages with the "Show GPA" report
Wrapping up end of term to-dos
Providing access to grading tools in jmc Teacher
Review student eligibility status and college selections for Direct Admissions Minnesota
Exploring the features of jmc's Period Attendance Module
Process Attendance Hotline Submissions
Setting up Nebraska ADVISER Attendance Submissions
Add or edit an absence reason in Period Attendance
Edit period attendance conversion cutoffs
Run a "For a Day" Period Attendance report
Enter and edit period attendance in jmc Office
Run a "For Student(s) Period Attendance" report
Run a For a Reason Period Attendance report
Run an Absent/Tardy Check report
Excelling in custom attendance form letters
Configuring AM/PM attendance form letters
Configuring Period Attendance form letters
Establishing attendance reasons and periods for Iowa's truancy reporting
Utilizing Period Attendance for Iowa truancy reporting
Running a "For a Threshold" report for truancy in Iowa
Add or edit discipline records in jmc Office
Edit problem behaviors in the Discipline module
Getting a handle on jmc's Discipline module
Understanding Wisconsin reportable discipline
Edit custom discipline actions
Merge teacher discipline referrals
Print a discipline summary report
Discipline records and student reporting in Iowa (SRI)
Wisconsin: Overview of recoding discipline data for WISEdata reporting
Print formal discipline letters
Run a discipline incidents report
Managing your coach/advisor list in jmc's Activity module
Communicating activity eligibility in jmc
Adding special commendations to the Activities module
Create student activities in the activities module
Associating special commendations with activities
Editing rosters in the activity module
Run permission, physical and concussion reports in the Activities module
Get ready for your upcoming activities season as a coach/advisor
Entering immunizations into jmc Office
Working with submitted health custom field online registration information
Creating a student medical emergency plan
Understanding jmc's Health module
Minnesota AISR immunization file exchange
Edit student immunizations
Manually entering individual student immunization records
Import WIR immunizations
Iowa: Download & import immunizations from IRIS
Export a Minnesota AISR bulk query file
Mark health custom fields that are required
Editing student Health History
Import Minnesota AISR immunizations
Scheduling recurring medication appointments
Charting student medications
Add or edit a student's medication list in jmc Office
Enter user-defined medications for your Medication Log
Entering medication appointments for a day
Managing a student's medication inventory
Add or edit the student health visit log
Running a health visit log query
Adding or editing a custom health visit log reason
Add or edit custom visit log actions
Bulk enter health history screening information
Enter or edit a student health note
Provide or remove access to student health history information for teachers or families
Creating custom health field questions for online registration
View and edit a student's health custom field information
Print or export student health records
Adding attendance descriptors and defining periods in Nebraska
Mass assign MCCC data elements for Ed-Fi reporting
Identifying data quality errors with the SIF Validation page for Iowa State Reporting
Collecting, reviewing, and reporting Digital Equity information
Understanding Wisconsin learning modalities
Wisconsin: Mass changing learning modality
Mass assign CTE Programs to students in Wisconsin
Running a "Civil Rights Data Course" report
Delete course data for Minnesota Ed-Fi reporting
MCCC reporting via Minnesota Ed-Fi
Update course data for Minnesota Ed-Fi reporting
Setting up college courses in jmc
Editing Wisconsin Program History Records
Submitting "During the School Year" data via WISEdata for Wisconsin schools
Import ISASP claim codes into jmc Office
Submitting CTE records to your WISEdata portal
Importing Wisconsin CTE concentrator records from the prior year
Import Wisconsin special education data via WISEdata
Assigning Wisconsin's CTE Programs to a Student in jmc Office
Understanding Wisconsin Career and Technical Education in jmc
Import Iowa special education from prior year
Adding instructional minutes for a course section
Entering Certified or Non-Certified Career Education Program Data for non-course based Wisconsin CTE
Import LIEP data from prior year for Iowa schools
Updating Course Sections for Wisconsin CTE, dual credit, and world language programs
Associating course data for Wisconsin state reporting
Validate Minnesota SSIDs in bulk
Calculate attendance in Minnesota
Edit school data for MARSS
Acquiring state IDs
Enter a student's logical building
Check for errors before submitting fall MARSS files
Submit Nebraska Year End data
Submitting "Start of Year" data via WISEdata for Wisconsin schools
Import staff WISEids for starting the year
Nebraska End Year: Post graduate tab
Edit Carl Perkins program and course codes
Print a "Perkins" report
Create a Perkins file for Minnesota state reporting
Wisconsin: English language learner proficiency coding
Create a licensed staff employment record for Minnesota STAR reporting
Wisconsin: English learner reporting
Create staff files for STAR reporting
Wisconsin End Year: Discipline tab
Add a non-licensed staff member in jmc's STAR module
Creating fall MARSS files
Entering digital equity responses on the View Student Data page
Edit course STAR assignment codes
Wisconsin End Year: General tab
Getting a student's WISEid
Creating Minnesota early education program registration records
Import course data for STAR reporting
Activating a Minnesota student that has returned over the summer
Check for errors before submitting STAR files
Wisconsin End Year: Checklist tab
Printing STAR staff data
Minnesota: Create a graduation requirements record
Minnesota: Get lists of students who haven't passed standards
Minnesota: Combine output files
Import Minnesota special education and program history records for Ed-Fi
Submit ADVISER start year data
Adding instructional time planned for Nebraska courses
Nebraska: ADVISER End Year reporting
Nebraska End Year: Checklist tab
Nebraska: ADVISER End Year post graduate tab
Minnesota Ed-Fi Start Year tab
Updating students by grade level for Nebraska schools
Update ADVISER data for an individual student
ADVISER delete student
Minnesota Ed-fi update a student
Nebraska: ADVISER update course
Update students by grade level for Minnesota schools
Nebraska: ADVISER update calendar dates
Nebraska: ADVISER update attendance
Nebraska: Current enrollment history report
Import program history from prior year
Nebraska: Special education status
Creating a testing cohort
Deleting a testing cohort
Import Nebraska special education history from prior year
Nebraska: Update special education history from ADVISER API
Mass exit students in Nebraska
Nebraska: Overview of managing student enrollment history data for ADVISER
Export WISEid Person Upload File
Import WISEid Person Upload File
Update students by grade level for Wisconsin schools
Wisconsin: WISEdata update a student's data
WISEdata delete student
Wisconsin: Get a list of state course codes
Wisconsin: WISEdata update course information
Wisconsin: Current enrollment history report
Wisconsin: Search for special education history discrepancies
Import Wisconsin special education history from prior year
Wisconsin: Mass exit students
Edit Minnesota program history records and special education history records
Update Minnesota Ed-Fi Settings
Running a "Civil Rights Data Exams" report
Updating Wisconsin certified migrant education records in jmc
Marking Minnesota students eligible for early education funding
Defining Minnesota early education subgroups
Understanding Minnesota early education in jmc
Understanding Minnesota Perkins reporting in jmc
Assigning instructional time for multiple courses at once for Nebraska schools
Managing staff data with jmc's STAR module
Add licensed staff assignments in jmc's STAR module
Associating embedded work-based learning opportunities with courses in Iowa
Create a Residency Status History record for a non-traditional student in Wisconsin
Creating Minnesota early childhood screening records
Understanding student Education Savings Account eligibility in jmc
Exporting an ESA student eligibility file
Using the Minnesota Student Ed-Fi Lookup tool
Identifying Iowa students receiving ESA funds
Submitting End Year data via WISEdata for Wisconsin schools
Import enrollment history from a prior year
Running a "Civil Rights Data Discipline" report
Dropping and Re-entering a student to update MARSS status changes
Running a Nebraska Student School Attendance report
Editing your S-EBT files for submission to the Department of Education
Edit grade values for Minnesota state reporting
Understanding the Iowa "Enrollment" tab on the "View Student Data" page
Create adult lunch accounts
Take a look into Free/Reduced lunch status
Preventing lunch purchases
Exporting an S-EBT file for upload to the Department of Education
Edit a la carte prices
Edit pricing groups
Discovering the jmc Lunch module
Working with student and family lunch accounts
Setting meal prices
Digging into Lunch reports
Making a lunch deposit in jmc Office
Determine free/reduced lunch status
Import direct certification data in the lunch module
Processing online free and reduced meals applications in jmc office
Import Free/Reduced status from prior year
Initialize family lunch contacts
Running an Allowed Purchases report in jmc Office
Understanding free and reduced lunch statuses in jmc
Send low balance notices
Using the "Missing Application Check" report
Running a "Lunch Count/Attendance by Teacher" report in jmc Office
Grouping fees with fee accounts in the Tuition and Fees module
Getting started in the Tuition/Fees module
Managing Recurring Payments in jmc
Refunding money from a fee account in jmc Office
Making a fee account payment in jmc Office
Charge fees to a student or family account
Bulk load charges or credits in the tuition/fees module
Manage fees in the Tuition/Fees module
Brushing up on Tuition and Fees reports
Change a student's fee contact
Accept payment for tuition or fees using a bank account or credit card in jmc Office
Creating Standards and Benchmarks report cards with the form designer
Importing standard and benchmark definitions from the prior year
Taking a high-level look at standards and benchmarks
Attach or remove individual student's report card forms
Bulk load report card forms
Print and email standard-based report cards
Becoming an expert in elementary standards and benchmarks report cards
Understanding standard and benchmark definitions in jmc Office
Exploring the Message Center
Message Center FAQ
Send individual emails, texts, or phone calls, or choose to send them all at once
Running a "Message Status" report in jmc Office
View your call and text message logs
Record a phone message
Setup automated attendance notifications
View external communication detail
Manage scheduled messages
Manage phone recordings
Run a "Phone Number Status" report
Send a Recorded Phone Call or Phone Call (Text-to-Voice) using jmc's Message Center
Create custom forms using jmc's Form Designer
Customize your Report Cards
Customizing your district's Standards-Based Report Cards
Create and customize forms using jmc's stock form library in Form Designer
Items from the standards and benchmarks report cards choices list
Using jmc's Form designer can help you create an awesome custom form
Create an absent/tardy form letter using period attendance information
Create an absent/tardy form letter using AM/PM attendance
Understanding Absent/tardy form letters
Sending attendance form letters
Assembling a Standards-Based Report Card
Customize building online registration settings
Customize district-wide online registration settings
Introduce Online Registration to your families
Becoming an expert in Online registration
Upload downloadable content for online registration
Granting support staff jmc Teacher access
Personalize the jmc Family portal message
Save time and keep your records up-to-date with online registration
Setting admin permissions for online registration
Review submitted online student registration information
Run a form signatures report
Prepare signable forms for online registration
Review submitted online student contact information
Review submitted online registration emergency contact information