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Understanding free and reduced lunch statuses in jmc
Understanding free and reduced lunch statuses in jmc

Choose from a variety of options when updating student lunch statuses to ensure accuracy and save time in any situation.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 9 months ago

Food service directors can save time and effort by by selecting the most efficient method for updating students' free and reduced lunch statuses in jmc. Options include importing status data from the prior year, utilizing direct certification files from the state, accepting online status applications, or manually determining statuses using jmc's benefits calculation tool. In jmc Office, head to the Lunch module to utilize the following options for updating student free and reduced lunch statuses.

Import free and reduced status from the prior year

With jmc's lunch module, importing students' free or reduced status from the prior year ensures automatic maintenance of their status for the first 30 days of the new school year. Additionally, the 'Missing Application Check' feature alerts office staff about students who will need to submit a new free or reduced meals application by the end of this 30-day period.

  • Missing Application Check: identify students whose eligibility for free or reduced meals has continued from the previous school year, and set an effective date to change those students' status to paying when the 30 day period is over.

Direct certification

Direct certification verifies students' free/reduced lunch status through documentation obtained directly from the relevant state or local agency. With jmc's "Direct Certification Import" tool, you can easily upload the "Direct Certification" file received from the state, eliminating the need to individually process meal benefits applications for eligible families.

  • Direct Certification Import: upload the "Direct Certification" file provided by your state department and enter a "Status Effective Date" to automatically update the free or reduced meals status for eligible students.

  • Direct Certification Notification Letter: send letters to families approved for free or reduced lunch status via "Direct Certification" notifying them of their updated meals status.

Online application for educational benefits

jmc simplifies the submission and processing of applications for educational benefits by integrating it into the online registration process. Families can conveniently apply for free or reduced meal benefits through jmc Family during online registration. Office staff can efficiently review applications and update a student's lunch status as required.

  • Application for Educational Benefits: families can apply for free or reduced meal benefits by clicking the application link on the Registration Dashboard, allowing them the convenience of completing and submitting the application from home.

  • Meals Application Status: review the pending educational benefits applications to see which families meet the threshold for free or reduced meals benefits. For eligible families, office users can accept the application, select the appropriate status effective and determination made dates, and then apply the updated meals status to the appropriate student(s).

  • Eligibility Notification Letter: communicate updated benefits eligibility information with families through a PDF or printed letter containing all of the pertinent details.

Determine free or reduced status in jmc Office

jmc Office provides a simple solution for determining the free or reduced lunch status of a student using information provided verbally or on a paper form. Office professionals can promptly determine free and reduced meals status eligibility based upon federal income eligibility guidelines by entering income data and household size into the designated fields in jmc Office.

  • Determine Free or Reduced Status: Office users simply enter the appropriate family size and income information to get an immediate free or reduced meal benefits determination. Once the determination is made, jmc makes it easy to apply the updated status, and effective date, to all eligible students in the household.

Updating a student's free or reduced status record manually in jmc Office

jmc Office users can make changes to a student's lunch status by creating a "New" determination on the "Edit Student Lunch Data" and "Edit Family Lunch Data" pages. This method for updating a student's meals benefits allows office staff to conveniently make free/reduced status changes after the school year has started.

  • Edit Student Lunch Data: create a new lunch status or update an existing lunch status providing the reasons for eligibility as well as the appropriate status effective date.

  • Edit Family Lunch Data: create a new or updated lunch status for a family's lunch account. The new or updated status, reason for determination, as well as effective date will automatically apply to all the children associated with the family.

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