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Edit problem behaviors in the Discipline module
Edit problem behaviors in the Discipline module

Easily customize problem behaviors according to the unique disciplinary approach and needs of your school community.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

At jmc, we recognize that every school has its own special way of managing discipline, a way that resonates with its unique mission and student community. That's why we've made our discipline module to be as flexible and accommodating as possible, making it easy for your office staff to pinpoint and select from predefined behaviors that are encountered often, as well as adding any number of user-defined problem behaviors with just a few simple steps.

Customize the problem behaviors used on your school's discipline records by going to to Discipline > Data > Edit Problem Behaviors.

Step One: Click the "Edit" link next to the problem behavior in the "Predefined Problem Behaviors" field to mark that behavior as "Frequently Used".

Helpful Tip: Marking a predefined problem behavior as frequently used will sort those problem behaviors to the top of the list when filling out a student discipline record.

Step Two: Review the predefined "Problem Behaviors" carefully before adding any of your own user-defined "Problem Behaviors" to avoid duplications between the two sets.

Step Three: Click the "Edit" link next to a row in the "User Defined Problem Behaviors" list to edit a behavior or choose a blank row to enter a new problem behavior.

Step Four: Enter the behavior as you would like it to appear to staff when they need to enter a discipline infraction in the "Name" field.

Helpful Tip: Delete the text from the "Name" field to remove a behavior from the list.

Step Five: Click the "Update" link on the row you're editing to save the changes to the selected behavior or click the "Cancel" link to discard your changes.

Step Six: Click the "Print" button to print a list of problem behaviors.

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