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Merge teacher discipline referrals
Merge teacher discipline referrals

Teachers are doing a great job of documenting discipline infractions. Now it's the office professional's turn to review and manage them.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 9 months ago

Unfortunately dealing with student discipline is part of the job and one of the most important functions of doing it well is communication. As a part of the ongoing communication between teachers and the office, jmc allows teachers to submit discipline referrals in jmc Teacher so administrators and office professionals can view them, add information, approve or reject the referral, and send communication to all stakeholders.

Click the "Pending Discipline Referrals" link on the jmc Office homepage or navigate to Discipline > Data > Merge Discipline Referrals to navigate to the discipline referral processing page.

Step One: Select the student name in the “Pending Discipline Records” box to proceed with a discipline referral.

Fun Fact: Prior discipline behaviors will populate in the "Student History" box to give you a full picture of past incidents.

Step Two: Place a checkmark in the appropriate checkbox to email the discipline record to one or more of the following contacts:

  • Email Primary Contact: email student's primary contact as listed in jmc Office.

  • Email Referring Teacher: email the teacher that submitted the referral.

  • Email Advisor: email the student's advisor.

  • Email Other: enter an email in the "Email To" field to include an additional recipient.

  • Email Student: send a copy of the discipline record to the student receiving the referral.

Step Three: Enter a valid email in the "Reply to Email" field to send emails.

Helpful Tip: Enter a comma between multiple email addresses in the "Email To" field to send the discipline record to multiple contacts.

Step Four (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Create Communication Record" checkbox to simultaneously create a record in jmc's Communication module noting that you emailed the primary contact regarding the discipline infraction.

Helpful Tip: If you placed a checkmark in the "Create Communication Record" checkbox head to Communication > Data > Edit Student Records to review the newly created communication record.

Step Five: Add details to the discipline record by using the drop-down lists and fields to enter or edit discipline detail information:

  • Behavior Incident Number: the next consecutive number to keep track of multiple infractions

  • Incident Reporter: the name of the person reporting the infraction

  • Incident Location: where the incident occurred

  • Incident Location Detail: detail related to the incident location

  • Problem Behavior: the reason for the discipline record

  • Severity: the level of seriousness for the incident

  • Weapon Type: the category of weapon used

  • Motivation: what led the student to the incident

  • Action 1: the primary response

  • Action 2: a secondary response

  • Seclusion/Restraint: if seclusion or restraint was used

  • Expulsion Zero Tolerance: the incident was a zero-tolerance expulsion

  • Unsafe School Choice Offense: the action involves unsafe school choice

  • Removal Length: the removal length if the student will be removed from school

  • Removal Date: the date the removal starts

  • Comment 1: additional comments

  • Comment 2: secondary additional comments

Fun Fact: The discipline referral will pre-fill some of the above fields to save you time.

Step Six: Click the "Accept" button to create the discipline record from the discipline referral or click the "Reject" button to reject the referral and opt not to create a discipline record.

Fun Fact: Once a referral is accepted, it will then appear in the student's discipline records on Discipline > Data > Edit Student Discipline and will no longer appear in the teacher’s list of pending referrals in jmc Teacher. 

Helpful Tip: To save progress on a student discipline entry, first click the "Accept" button to merge the discipline record. Then, navigate to Discipline > Data > Edit Student Discipline. Search for the student using the "Find" field and select the discipline record from the "Discipline Records for Current Year" box. Click "Edit" and then "Save as Draft". The in-progress discipline entry will now be displayed in the "Unfinished Discipline Records for Current Year" box, allowing you to edit it at a later time.

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