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Add or edit discipline records in jmc Office
Add or edit discipline records in jmc Office

Office professionals in jmc can edit discipline records to address behavior issues and effectively communicate with concerned parties.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 10 months ago

In jmc Office, maintaining a safe and organized school environment and promoting positive behavior is a team effort. Office professionals can contribute by editing discipline records, which involves selecting a student in the Discipline module, identifying problem behavior, adding relevant details, attaching necessary files, and communicating with concerned parties via email to keep them informed. This collaborative approach helps address ongoing behavior issues and ensure a positive learning environment.

To add or edit a student discipline record, go to Discipline > Data > Edit Student Discipline in jmc Office.

Step One: Enter the student's name in the "Find" field to select and add or edit their information in jmc Office.

Step Two: Click the "Add New" button to create a new discipline record for a student, or select an existing record from the current year and click the "Edit" button to modify the details of a student's discipline record in jmc Office.

Step Three: Add the appropriate details into the discipline record, giving special attention to the highlighted fields throughout, which signify key state reporting information. Utilize the following drop-down lists, checkboxes, and fields:

  • Incidents: an existing occurrence related to this incident.

  • Date: when the incident took place.

  • Time: when the incident occurred.

  • Behavior Incident Number: number associating students involved with the same behavior incident.

  • Incident Reporter: the name of the person who reported the infraction.

  • Incident Location: where the incident occurred.

  • Instructional Format: the condition or circumstance when the incident happened.

  • Incident Location Detail: details related to the incident location.

  • Problem Behavior: the reason for the discipline record.

  • Severity: the level of seriousness ("Major" or "Minor") of the incident.

  • Weapon Type: the category of weapon used, if applicable.

  • Motivation: what led the student to the incident.

  • Action 1: the primary response to address the behavior.

  • Action 2: a secondary response to address the behavior.

  • Action Assigned Date: the date when the action was assigned to the student.

  • Action Completed Date: the date when the discipline action was completed.

  • Seclusion/Restraint: the type of de-escalation tactic applied (if applicable).

  • Expulsion Zero Tolerance: mandatory expulsion resulting from one or more specified offenses.

  • Unsafe School Choice Offense: offense involving violent criminal offense.

  • Removal Length: number of days a student is expelled or suspended.

  • Comment 1: comments included in the emailed record of the incident.

  • Internal Comment: additional comments for office purposes only.

  • Edit Files: an attachable file associated with this discipline record.

Step Four: Click the "Save as Draft" button to retain your progress, the "Save as Finished" button to save the changes made to the edited or newly created discipline record, or click the "Cancel" button to discard any changes.

Helpful Tip: Head to the Attendance > Student Lists page to run a report on "Disc Unfinished Records" from the "Discipline" category to view a list of all unfinished discipline records in jmc.

Step Five: Select a discipline record from the "Discipline Records for Current Year" box to identify the specific record that you would like to email.

Step Six: Click the "Email Selected" button to begin the process of sending a copy of the discipline record to stakeholders.

Step Seven: Place a checkmark in the appropriate checkboxes to email the discipline record to one or more of the listed contacts.

Step Eight: Enter an email address in the "Email To" field to include any additional recipients.

Fun Fact: To send the discipline record to multiple recipients, separate their email addresses by commas in the "Email To" field.

Step Nine: Enter an email address in the "Reply to Address" field to receive replies to your emailed discipline record.

Step Ten: Enter a message in the "Email Message Box" to add a personal message to the discipline record email.

Step Eleven: Place a checkmark in the "Create Communication Record" checkbox to simultaneously create a record in jmc's Communication module noting that an email was sent regarding the discipline infraction.

Step Twelve: Click the "Email" button to email the selected contacts a copy of the discipline record.

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