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Get jmc running: Part four

The fourth step in getting jmc running is to connect the jmc software to the jmc database.

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Written by jmc training
Updated over a week ago

Congrats! You're nearly done. Follow this article to finish your jmc setup.

Step One: Right-click on the jmc folder located on the left side of the screen and highlight "Explore".

Step Two: In the opened window, scroll down to the file named "connectionStrings", right-click on it, and open it.

Step Three: In the open file, look for the line that begins with <add name="JMCConnectionStringMySQL... and change the info to the following:

  • Data Source = localhost

  • Initial Catalog = webjmc

  • User ID = webjmc

  • Password = (whatever password you chose for the webjmc user)

Step Four: Save the file.

Step Five: Repeat for each of the other 5 jmc folders.

Fun Fact: The Lunch folder will not have a "connectionStrings" file, so after you have set the correct info in each of the other "connectionStrings" files, just open the jmc folder, copy the "connectionStrings" file, and then paste it into the Lunch folder.

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