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Adding comments using the "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page
Adding comments using the "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page

The "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page provides a convenient way for users to maintain notes for individual students.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 2 months ago

Clear communication is essential for a well-functioning school, and jmc supports this with tools like the "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page, helping everyone stay connected. By designating notes as either "Teacher Comments" or "Office Comments," staff can make certain the right information is shared with the appropriate audience, fostering collaboration while protecting sensitive details.

Log in to jmc Office and head to the "Comments" tab on the "View Student Data" page to associate a comment with a student record.

Step One: Enter a student's name in the "Find" field to begin entering comments for the selected student.

Helpful Tip: Start typing the first few letters of a student’s last name, and a drop-down list will appear with matching names, making it faster and easier to find the student you’re looking for!

Step Two: Enter a note in the "Office Comments (Viewable by Office Staff Only)" field to add an internal comment related to the selected student for office use.

Fun Fact: Office comments are only visible to office staff with "View" or "Make Changes" privileges for "Student General Data" in the File > Application Security page.

Step Three: Enter a note in the "Teacher Comments" field (viewable in teacher GradeBook and Attendance via the "Info" button) to associate a note with the selected student, accessible to both office staff and teachers.

Helpful Tip: Use the formatting tools to add web links and adjust font color, size, and style, making student comments more engaging and easier to navigate.

Step Four: Click the "Save" button to save your comment(s) and update the student's record.

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