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Configure Teacher Conference Scheduler settings in jmc Office
Configure Teacher Conference Scheduler settings in jmc Office

The Teacher Conference Scheduler is designed to bring school administrators, teachers, and families together to help ensure student success.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over 2 years ago

Are you ready to streamline teacher conferences? The Teacher Conference Scheduler empowers teachers and families to collaboratively schedule meetings that align with their preferences. In jmc Office, kick-start the process by inputting conference dates, specifying conference durations, and enabling conference scheduling, ensuring effective communication between teachers and families.

Let's configure conference settings by logging in to jmc Office and going to Teacher Conference Scheduler > Settings.

Step One: Click the "Add Row" link to create a new date/time slot for your conferences or click the "Edit" link to make a change to an existing conference schedule on the "Dates" tab.

Step Two: Enter the date of your conferences in the "Conference Date" field or simply click the calendar icon.

Step Three: Enter a "Start Time" and "End Time" in the appropriate fields to define the length of your conference day or simply click the clock icons.

Step Four: Enter the length of each conference time slot in the "Appointment Length (Minutes)" field to set the length of each individual conference.

Step Five (optional): Enter a date in the "Course Term Date" field to specify which student schedules to use when scheduling conferences after the term has ended.

Step Six: Click the "Save" link to create a parent-teacher conference date or click the "Cancel" link to discard changes.

Step Seven: Repeat the above steps to add each additional day for parent-teacher conferences.

Step Eight: Click the "Teachers" tab to view the teachers that are available for conferences.

Fun Fact: All jmc courses are included on teacher conference schedules by default, ensuring families have the opportunity to sign up for conferences for any course on a student's schedule.

Helpful Tip: To exclude a course from teacher conferences, simply remove the checkmark from the "Include in Teacher Conference Schedules" checkbox on the Edit Course Data page.

Fun Fact: All teachers who have a "Yes" in the "Has Course" and/or "Is Advisor" columns will be available for conferences in jmc Family.

Step Nine (optional): Remove the checkmark from the "Conferences" checkbox to make a teacher unavailable for conferences.

Step Ten: Select the "Closed," "Open" or "Locked" radio buttons from the "Family Access" box to set the Teacher Conference Scheduler availability in jmc Family.

  • Closed: disables the Teacher Conference Scheduler in jmc Family

  • Open: grants families the ability to sign up for scheduled offerings

  • Locked: grants families the ability to view scheduled conferences but disables their ability to make changes

Helpful Tip: Select the "Locked" option prior to the scheduled conference to prevent families from making last minute changes and disrupting teacher schedules.

Step Eleven: Click the "Email Families" button when the "Open" radio button is selected in the "Family Access" box to notify families that it's time to sign up for conferences.

Step Twelve (optional): If you have multiple conference dates included within a single conference event, select all relevant conference dates from the pop-up, and then click the "Email Families" button to send a single email notification to families who have not yet signed up for conferences.

Fun Fact: If a family is signed up for conferences the email will remind them of their scheduled conference times instead of notifying them to sign up.

Step Thirteen: Click the "Email Families" button to email families or click the "Close" button to return to the previous page.

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