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Understanding contacts in jmc
Understanding contacts in jmc

Utilizing contact types in jmc Office helps users better understand the relationships between students and their associated contacts.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 9 months ago

In jmc, a contact refers to any individual, usually an adult, who communicates with the school regarding a student. These contacts can include parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, babysitters, health professionals, and others. Contacts are managed through jmc Office or the New Family Enrollment portal, allowing them to be associated with students for appropriate data access and facilitating seamless communication between the school and stakeholders.

Creating or Editing Contacts on the "Edit Contacts" page

All contacts are stored in jmc Office on the "Edit Contacts" page, where important demographic information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses are available. Contact details can be entered or edited directly on the "Edit Contacts" page, via New Family Enrollment, or through jmc Family, allowing families and office members to collaboratively maintain up-to-date contact records.

  • Edit Contacts: add new contacts, delete old contacts or edit demographic information for existing contacts right from the Attendance > Contacts > Edit Contacts page.

  • Merge Contact Submissions: review edits to contact information submitted through the jmc Family page before accepting them into jmc Office from the "Merge Contact Submissions" page.

  • jmc Family Start/Continue the Registration Process: enlist help from your families in maintaining up to date contact records directly through the "Online Registration" page in the jmc Family portal.

  • New Family Enrollment: families that are new to your district can easily submit their demographic information through the New Family Enrollment portal to populate the "Edit Contacts" page with initial contact records.

  • Family Enrollment Forms: once new families submit their information through the New Family Enrollment portal, quickly review, accept or reject submissions onto the Edit Contacts page from the Enrollment Forms > Family Enrollment Forms page.

Contact Types

A contact type defines the relationship between a student and a contact. These types are crucial for granting appropriate access to the jmc Family portal, linking siblings to a household, facilitating groupings for communication purposes, and more. In addition, contact types help office staff identify individuals associated with a student, promoting student safety.

  • Primary: responsible for a student's day-to-day well-being and activities. In most cases, these are parents, stepparents, and guardians, but in some cases they could be grandparents. Primary contacts have access to student information through jmc Family and receive student mailings and emails such as report cards and schedules.

  • Secondary: responsible for a student, but not the primary caretakers. Typically, these folks are non-custodial aunts and uncles, grandparents, neighbors, or babysitters.

  • Emergency: person to contact when a parent/guardian is unavailable during an emergency.

  • Lunch: responsible for paying the account balance for a student's breakfast, lunch, and a la carte items or for applying for free/reduced status.

  • Doctor: student's primary care physician.

  • Storm: where a student goes during inclement weather.

  • Other: contacts who do not fit into another defined category.

  • Fee/Organization: contact responsible for paying any fees (registration, athletic, activity)that a student accrues. When applicable, an organization such as a scholarship fund can be substituted as a student's fee contact to permit a non-family member to make payments on a student's behalf.

Associating Contacts with a Student on the "View Student Data" page

Student/Contact associations allow jmc software to funnel student information to the correct contacts based upon the contact type. The "View Student Data" page in jmc Office permits the association of up to 10 contacts with a student to ensure schools are able to easily communicate with the most important people in the student's life.

  • Copy Contacts: quickly and easily copy contacts from one student to another with the "Copy Contacts" button on the View Student Data page.

  • Change Contact: associate a contact with a student with the help of the "Change Contact" button that accesses a list of available contacts from the Edit Contacts page.

Printing a Contact Directory

Once contacts are created in jmc and associated with students, you can create your very own easy-to-reference contacts list from the "Print Contact Directory" page in the Attendance module. Print hard copies of all different contact types or export them to a CSV file to have an alphabetized list of all contact information at your fingertips.

  • Print Directory for Contact Type: this convenient drop-down list allows you to choose from all contact types in order to create the list of contacts to which you need quick access.

  • Print or Export: take your full list of contacts offline for quick access whether it be on your desktop or in a folder on top of your desk!

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