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Export student transfers

Use jmc Office to export student information for students transferring between jmc districts.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over 3 years ago

When a students transfers out of your district, the new district requests records from you causing a paperwork headache. Well, if the new district is a fellow jmc subscriber, we make it easy to send those records electronically! Export a downloadable file to be sent to the new jmc district for seamless transfer of student information including contact data, transcripts, immunizations, health history, activities, and discipline incidents.

To get started exporting student records for a transferring student, log in to jmc Office and head to Attendance > Student > Student Transfer.

Step One: Choose the "Export Student" radio button in the "Action" box to begin exporting a student.

Step Two: Select the student who is transferring by entering the name of the student in the "Find" field.

Helpful Tip: Select the wrong student? No problem! Click their name to clear the selection.

Step Three: Place a checkmark in the "Student Discipline" checkbox to include the student's discipline data in the transfer file for the new school.

Step Four: Click the "Create Export File" button to begin exporting the student transfer data to a file.

Helpful Tip: The following information will be automatically included in the export:

  • Student Demographics: basic demographics such as name, legal name, grade, date of birth, gender, and race/ethnicity

  • Student Health: immunizations and Health History items

  • Student Primary Contacts: names, phone numbers, and email addresses of primary contacts

  • Student Activities: any extracurricular activity that is included on the student transcript

  • Student Transcripts: courses, grades, and credits from the transcript

  • Student Discipline History (optional): discipline infraction history including date/time and reason.

Fun Fact: All unique contacts associated with a student will be included in the data export.

Step Five: Click the "OK" button to proceed with transferring the student or click the "Cancel" button to return to the page.

Fun Fact: The transferring student will be set to inactive for your attendance reporting.

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