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Becoming an expert in elementary standards and benchmarks report cards
Becoming an expert in elementary standards and benchmarks report cards

Report cards are not always one size fits all so schools can create their very own customizable report cards.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 2 years ago

End of the term feedback is a hot topic in schools all over the country. What skills should schools report out? What language should schools utilize? How much information is too much or too little? No matter how your district answers these questions, jmc's customizable and comprehensive end-of-the-term reporting tools offer the solution to your needs.

In jmc Office, use the Standards and Benchmarks module to define the items to report out on and utilize the Form Designer to create fully customized standards-based report cards for teachers to use in jmc Teacher.

Standards and Benchmarks Module

In the Standards and Benchmarks module, an office professional can define the subject areas that will make up their school’s report card, allowing them to group into subjects. Office professionals next edit standards which serve as broad categories for benchmarks, which are specific skills that teachers assess throughout the grading term. Finally, customize the language for relaying proficiencies in "Edit result symbols and cutoffs".

Query Standards and Benchmarks

Administrators and stakeholders can use the Reports feature in the Standards and Benchmarks module to query student achievement of specific standards and benchmarks. These reports serve as a great foundation for data-driven PLCs to help groups chart progress and target areas for growth.

Instancing Standards and Benchmarks

Give teachers access to specific standards and benchmarks in jmc Teacher by instancing standards and benchmarks to grades or courses. "Instancing" takes the standards and benchmarks and applies them to students in a course or grade level so they can be assessed.

Teachers Enter and/or Calculate Results

Once Standards and Benchmarks are defined and instanced to students, teachers can enter or calculate results to a standards and benchmarks report card in the jmc Teacher or simply hand enter or edit results at the end of the term. To do so, teachers can calculate results to standards and benchmarks using either the Scores > Categories and Assignments module or the Competency-Based Grading module.

Standards and Benchmarks Report Cards

The form designer is home to the custom standards and benchmarks report card forms. Utilize a pre-loaded template, create your own custom report card from scratch, or work with jmc to migrate existing paper forms. Include all standards and benchmarks data on the form along with custom images, student photos, demographic data, notes, and comments.

Teachers can access and edit Standards and Benchmarks report cards through jmc Teacher at Scores > Edit Assessments Report Card for a Student. Office professionals can access and edit specific student Standards and Benchmarks report card results through jmc office at Standards and Benchmarks > Student > Edit Student Standard and Benchmark Results.

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