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Setting up Nebraska ADVISER Attendance Submissions
Setting up Nebraska ADVISER Attendance Submissions

Configure and enable attendance settings for state reporting according to your school's attendance practices.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

Prior to submitting attendance data through the ADVISER portal, there are a few set up steps to complete to ensure error-free reporting matching your attendance practices! In a few simple steps, you can select the attendance data that will be reported for every grade level in your building and be ready to submit your attendance data via ADVISER.

To get started, sign into jmc Office and head to head to Period Attendance > Data > Edit Reasons and Cutoffs.

Step One: Click the "Edit" link next to a Grade in the "Period Attendance settings for Ed-Fi submission" section to edit settings for that grade level.

Step Two: Select a period or multiple periods from the multi-select "Periods" drop-down list to enable attendance reporting for that period for the selected grade.

Helpful Tip: Select periods according to your school's current attendance practices. For example, an elementary school that reports AM/PM attendance will only enable attendance reporting for the two periods in which teachers and the office record attendance. Secondary schools that submit period attendance throughout the day will enable attendance reporting for every period of the school day.

Step Three (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Enable Student Section Attendance" checkbox to enable section attendance reporting for the selected grade.

Fun Fact: The Nebraska Department of Education recommends but does not require submitting section attendance at this time.

Step Four: Click the "Update" link to save the period attendance settings for that grade level or click the "Cancel" link to discard your changes.

Fun Fact: The tally in the "Num Periods" column changes automatically as you update settings to let you know at a glance how many periods are currently being reported for each grade level.

Step Five: Repeat steps one through four to set up attendance reporting for each grade level.

Helpful Tip: Once setup is complete, head to File > Administrator Options and click the "Ed-Fi Settings" link to enable nightly attendance submissions.

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