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Defining bell schedules

Defining multiple bell schedules for different grade level groups in jmc Office is the first step to tracking instructional minutes.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a year ago

Schools often run unique bell schedules for elementary, middle school, and high school courses, presenting a challenge for tracking instructional minutes. jmc makes it easy no matter which schedule your students are on by allowing you to create multiple bell schedules in jmc Office. Before editing period lengths and assigning the bell schedule to courses, simply add a name, edit an existing name or delete an entry to define the bell schedules in your school.

Head to Attendance > Bell Schedule and Class Periods > Edit Bell Schedules to define a bell schedule in jmc Office.

Step One: Click the "+ Add Schedule" button to define a new schedule.

Step Two: Enter a name in the "Bell Schedule Name" field to define the schedule. For example, enter the name "HS Schedule" to define a bell schedule for your high school.

Step Three: Click the "Update" button to add the new schedule to the list or click the "Cancel" button to discard your changes.

Helpful Tip: Click the "Edit" button to rename an existing bell schedule or click the "Delete" button to remove a bell schedule from your list.

Step Four: Repeat steps one through three to add all bell schedules that exist within your building to your bell schedules list.

Fun Fact: Bell schedules carry over from one year to the next, eliminating the need for creating a schedule from scratch every year!

Helpful Tip: Has your school experienced a major schedule change such as moving from traditional to block scheduling? Simply create a new bell schedule and edit the periods accordingly.

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