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Editing your S-EBT files for submission to the Department of Education
Editing your S-EBT files for submission to the Department of Education

Ensure your S-EBT files are complete and formatted appropriately prior to submitting them to the Minnesota Department of Education.

Rachel Cox avatar
Written by Rachel Cox
Updated over 2 months ago

After exporting your school's Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) file using jmc's export tool, you will need to format the CSV file according to the Minnesota Department of Education's (MDE) requirements for accurate data submission. To do this, import the data from your jmc-generated file into an Excel spreadsheet and edit the necessary student information to meet MDE's specifications. Once your student data is accurate and the file is properly formatted, submit your Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (S-EBT) file to MDE.

To start, export your EBT file from your jmc site, and open a new, blank Microsoft Excel workbook to begin the import process.

Step One: Click the "Data" tab and select "From Text" from the "Get Data" drop-down list to export only the text from your jmc export file.

Step Two: Select the S-EBT file from your computer, and then click the "Get Data" button to launch the "Text Import Wizard" and begin importing the export file data into your Excel file.

Step Three: Select the following Data Types in step one of the "Text Import Wizard" to accurately format your Excel file and click the "Next" button to continue to the next step in the "Text Import Wizard."

  • Delimited: characters such as commas or tabs separate each data field

  • Start import at row: choose the row of data where the import should begin, entering 1 to include all rows of data

  • File origin: select the choice that best matches the type of computer where your export file is saved, such as Macintosh or Windows

Helpful Tip: Selecting the "Delimited" radio button allows you to save your file as a comma-separated file, or CSV file, which is the file type required by the MDE.

Fun Fact: A preview of your export file's data will appear in the "Preview of selected data" box to ensure you've selected the appropriate file.

Step Four: Place a checkmark in the "Comma" checkbox to set a comma as the delimiter for your data, and click the "Next" button to continue to the next step in the "Text Import Wizard."

Helpful Tip: Remove checkmarks from all other "Delimiters" checkboxes to ensure that your data is only delimited by commas and formatted according to the MDE's specifications.

Step Five: Select a column in the "Preview of selected data" box and choose the "Text" radio button to appropriately format the column's data, or select all columns by using using shift-click and choose the "Text" radio button to appropriately format all columns' data at once.

Helpful Tip: Scroll all the way to the right when using the shift-click feature to ensure you select all columns, as more columns exist than can fit in the "Preview of selected data" box at one time.

Step Six: Click the "Finish" button to import the data in the S-EBT export file into your Excel spreadsheet.

Step Seven: Choose the appropriate radio button to select where your data will be imported:

  • Existing sheet: import your data into the spreadsheet you've been working in

  • New sheet: import your data into a new Excel spreadsheet

Step Eight: Review your student data for accuracy, making any necessary corrections prior to saving your Excel file.

Helpful Tip: When correcting student data, avoid changing the file's formatting to ensure successful submission to the MDE.

Step Nine: Select "Save As" from the "File" menu, and click the "Save" button when you have entered the appropriate information in the following fields:

  • Save As: enter a name that allows you to easily identify your file

  • Save Location: choose a location to save your file, like your desktop, to locate your Excel file when submitting it to the MDE

  • File Format: select CSV from the "File Format" drop-down list to meet the MDE's file submission requirements

Step Ten: Submit your new CSV file to the MDE following their specifications to successfully apply for S-EBT benefits on behalf of your eligible students.

Helpful Tip: Different versions of Excel may require different steps for importing your jmc data. Work with your school's technology pro for help with your version of Excel.

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