Add Property Contacts and Assigning a Role
Our contacts editor helps you organize transactions for maximum efficiency. It can easily send emails, text messages, and make phone calls, as well as track all communication in and out of Open To Close.
Step 1:
Select a property, and go to the Contacts tab.
Step 2:
Type the name of the contact user from the search bar then hover your mouse and click the name.
Step 3:
To assign a role, select one of the contact roles from the drop-down menu.
Create Contacts and Assigning a Role
Step 1:
Select a property, and go to the Contacts tab.
Step 2:
Click Create Contact.
Step 3:
Enter the person’s information you want to add and you can select the contact role from the drop-down or leave it blank. Click Save.
Contact Functionalities and Descriptions
Search bar - this allows you to search in the Contacts tab for contacts in your database. You can search the contact user by name or email address.
Select: All | None - to select all or none of the contacts in a transaction
Expand | Collapse options - to expand or collapse the contacts’ information.
Options - to assign a contact group (add multiple people at one time).
API: Import Contacts - to import/ move a contact from any of the API connections that you have set up (e.g. Follow Up Boss, Skyslope) to OTC transaction contacts
Contact Card Information
Options to delete a contact, or to Expand or Collapse the contacts, and the name of the contact user.
Small icons
🗑 - to delete an individual contact
📞 - to make a phone call
✉️ - to email
💬 - to text
📄 - to add a note
Edit - to edit/ update the contact’s information
Contact Role - to add or update a contact role for that property.
Sort order button - to rearrange the contacts in order.
Contact Information - you can view and edit inside of the property contacts. Simply double-click, start typing the changes, and hit Enter/Return on your keyboard.
Include on all calendar date invitations - if the box is ticked, the contact user will be able to receive all transaction dates via the calendar.