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Conditions FAQs
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over a month ago

What is the condition action map used for?

The condition action map will let you know if there are any errors that could occur when the intake form is being filled out. It notifies you if there are fields selected to show on the intake form. It will flag if there are fields, contacts, or documents no longer available. It also alerts you if the field is being used in other form conditions.

Do I have to have conditions on my smart blocks?

Conditions are highly recommended on smart blocks. They are used to populate email content only when the information is needed. For example, you might have a block of text that only needs to be applied when you have a cash deal. A condition such as the Finance Type is equal to Cash would be a perfect condition.

If I set conditions on an email trigger in a task, and the conditions are not met, where does that email trigger go?

The email trigger will move to the Failed Trigger tab on the Health/Priority Bar.

How do I see what conditions have been met on my tasks?

Click on the small drop-down arrow to the left of the check-off box on the task. This will expand the task details where you can see the conditions. If the condition is listed in red text, the condition has not been met. Any condition in black text has been met.

How do I set the triggers to only work if there is a file uploaded to the placeholder when using the file role conditional logic?

To set this up to work, navigate to your Settings (gear icon) and select Global Settings. Next, find Organization Settings in the lower left corner and choose Defaults. Locate the setting called Trigger File Role Conditions and ensure that No, File Must Exist To Process Conditions is selected. This will make it so that an actual file (like a PDF) needs to be uploaded to a placeholder under the Documents tab on the property.

What should I do if the condition on the task doesn’t apply to the property I’m working on? How do I remove the condition(s) so I can complete the task?

If you no longer need a condition on a task, you can delete the condition from the task by selecting the trash can icon next to the condition.

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