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Getting Started with Care
his category provides essential information on how to begin your journey with Optimind. It covers everything from how to make your first appointment and what you need for a referral, to what to expect during your initial visit and how to prepare for ongoing consultations.
Do I need a referral?
How do I book an appointment with a Psychiatrist?
How long is an appointment?
How long will I wait to book a first appointment?
How many appointments will I require?
How often will I have consultations at OPTIMIND?
What can I expect when I arrive for my first appointment?
Can I claim my Medicare rebate on the day of my appointment?
Do I need a referral?
How do I book an appointment ?
How long is an appointment?
How many appointments will I require?
Private Health Cover rebates
What does a Mental Health Care Plan cover?
What is the Chronic Disease Management Plan?