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Understanding share transfer types
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

What kind of transfer types can I use on my share register?

Company administrators can use any one of four share transfer types when creating transfers in their share register. Below are some example use cases for each type:

  • Create a new share issue – The 'create a new share issue' transfer type defines the creation of new shares as issued by the company, such as shares created through a capital raising round, or company incorporation. For information on how to action this transaction type, click here.

  • Create a transfer – The 'create a transfer' transfer type covers a generic share transfer between two parties. Examples include a secondary trade between buyer and seller. For information on how to action this transaction type, click here.

  • Create a cancel transaction – The 'create a cancel transaction' transfer type allows you to cancel shares and remove them from the company. Examples include share buy-backs or cancellations. For information on how to action this transaction type, click here.

  • Create a reclassification – The 'create a reclassification' transfer type allows you to reclassify shares from one class to another. Examples include company restructures. For information on how to action this transaction type, click here.

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