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What do my shareholders or members see when they are invited onto Orchestra?
What do my shareholders or members see when they are invited onto Orchestra?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

When your company has been set up on Orchestra, the Orchestra team will send out an onboarding email to shareholders, inviting them onto the platform. Some users may already be on Orchestra, while other users will be new. Our communications and support are designed to cater to all user groups on Orchestra. See below for an example of what an initial communication to your shareholders could look like:

Existing Orchestra User

New Orchestra User


What happens when they create an account / login?

When shareholders login or create an account, Orchestra is set up so that they will be linked to any applicable holdings they have. The initial dashboard presented to them shows the investment entities they have access to, and what holdings those entities have.


From here, shareholders are able to manage their entity contact information by clicking on the edit button and updating their residential address and email.

Shareholders are limited in what information they can update. They are able to update their email address and residential address information, which will automatically be updated on the share register of their applicable company holdings. This ensures your shareholder table is always up to date with the latest information.

Shareholders are not able to edit the name of the entity, so as to ensure that the legal name held on the register always stays the same.


By clicking on the company they will be taken through to the investor side view of the platform.

Once a shareholder enters the shareholder portal, they will be able to access the information that has been shared with them by the company administrators. This includes:

  • Main dashboard

  • Their shareholdings & personal transaction history (not the full company share register)

  • ESOP & Options

  • Shareholder communications

  • Company documents (where made available to investors)

  • Custom fields (if there are any that are visible for investors and there is data loaded)

Main dashboard

The main dashboard gives shareholders a birds-eye view of their holdings and company information. This includes a summary of shareholdings, communications and a menu to other parts of the shareholder portal.


From the shareholdings page, shareholders can view a history of their transactions and relevant details, a total of shares that they hold, and can download a 'statement of holding' PDF for their own records.

ESOP & Options

The ESOP & Options page shows any employee share schemes that the investor is part of. This section is hidden unless the investor is a part of a scheme. They can be part of more than one scheme and have multiple grants.

Clicking into a grant reveals more detail. See: What do my option holders see when they are invited onto Orchestra?


From the communications page, shareholders can view a history of communications that have been shared with them. This page is updated when new communications are generated, and shareholders are notified by email when a new update is posted.

Communications that are posted are made of two parts, an initial email to shareholders, and any documents that are linked.


The documents page displays any documents that company administrators have added on the management side and made available to investors.

Custom fields

The custom fields page shows any fields that have been set up by administrators and made visible to investors. Custom fields that are view-only are greyed out. Custom fields that can be edited by investors are white.

If the company is paying dividends then there will be a second tab for dividend-related fields of information.

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