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How do I manage electronic document signing in Orchestra?
How do I manage electronic document signing in Orchestra?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

Orchestra has partnered with DocuSign to offer electronic document signing for Orchestra customers.

The feature is designed for up to 5 signers with a single signature from each, and an email address is required for each signer.

Note: We have provided a template for electronic signing of share transfers. You can download the template document here.

To set up electronic signing for documents, you will need to be logged in and have access as a company administrator.

In this example you need to fill in the required fields on the share transfer document template including the buyer, seller, and share details, and save as a pdf file. From your Orchestra dashboard, click the 'Document vault' dropdown from the left-hand side menu and select 'Document signing'.

Uploading documents for signing:

Click on the blue button 'Upload document for signing' and upload your saved share transfer pdf into the signing tool. Set the document name and optional description. Click 'Upload and continue'.

Adding signer details

Add signature parameters including a message to all signers and then add all individual signers. If they are your existing stakeholders you can search and select them, otherwise enter the name and email for each signee. Click 'Continue'.

Note: If using witnesses, you do not need to add witness names and emails. The signers are required to enter their personal witness name and email when they sign the document.

Placing signature icons on the document

Click on the document to place the first signers signature box.

If a witness is required, change the 'Field type' dropdown to 'Witness', and click on the document to add the witness signature box.

You have 3 options for each signer:

  1. Signature

  2. Witness

  3. Date

You can move through the pages of your document using the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons at the bottom of the page, to apply signing fields on different pages of the pdf.

When you have finished adding all the signing field boxes, click 'Save signatures'.

Click on 'Send document' to notify all signers by email that they have a document to sign.

The signers will receive an email from DocuSign with the message you have included.


If the document requires witnesses, then the 'signer' will be prompted to email to a witness of their choice when they sign.

Witnesses will receive a notification to witness the document.


Note: Currently only witness signatures can be completed on documents. Other witness details (full name, occupation and address) appear on the DocuSign 'Certificate Of Completion' with the completed document.

An email will be sent to all signers once the document is completed, with a link to the completed document.


By clicking through to the completed document, the DocuSign Certificate Of Completion can also be viewed and downloaded by selecting 'View Certificate':


On the 'Document signing' page in Orchestra, administrators will be able to check on the signing status of their documents. Fully signed documents will have a green nib icon.

Note: if you try to download the document before the nib icon is green, then it will download the unsigned version of the document.

The company administrator who sent the document will also receive an email notification once the signer(s) signs the letter through DocuSign.

Orchestra is currently offering this electronic document signing for free, however, fair use policies do apply. Orchestra reserves the right to limit the functionality of this tool.

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