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What does it mean for my company to be in 'draft mode'?
What does it mean for my company to be in 'draft mode'?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 5 months ago

When your company is first set up on Orchestra you will see a banner at the top of your screen letting you know that you are currently in 'draft mode'.

What is draft mode?

Draft mode allows you to make changes to your company on Orchestra, without having to worry about any external actions occurring such as Companies Office or ASIC updates, or emails to admins and shareholders going out.

While your company is in draft mode, the following items are disabled:

  • The share register does not sync with the New Zealand Companies Office or ASIC, including any changes that are made in draft mode.

  • Orchestra system-automated emails are not distributed. These include emails to shareholders or option holders in any capacity.

  • Email notifications for company communications are not distributed.

  • Shareholdings and ESOP are not visible to investors.

The only items which are active during draft mode are:

  • Shareholdings are visible to Administrators

  • Investors will receive password reset emails if requested

When you are 100% happy that your entity is set up exactly how you want it let the Orchestra team know and we will set you live.

What is live mode?

Once we switch your company into 'live mode', the platform will then perform certain automated actions when you make certain changes.

1. Companies Office or ASIC Updates

If your company has been linked to the Companies Office or ASIC during the onboarding process, your share register will automatically sync when:

  • New share transactions are created on Orchestra

  • When a shareholder's residential address changes on Orchestra

  • When your Directors are updated on Orchestra

  • When your annual return is filed through Orchestra (New Zealand)

2. Shareholder Logins

Once your company is live shareholdings will be visible in the respective shareholder dashboards.

When shareholders login or sign up for the first time, they will be able to view their holdings through the investor view.

3. System Generated Emails

In live mode, when you perform certain actions on Orchestra, system generated emails are automatically sent out to the relevant people. These emails include when:

  • New company Administrator added - the new Administrator will be invited to login / signup and manage the company on Orchestra

  • Email address updated for an Investor - the Investor will be invited to manage their holdings on Orchestra

  • New Investor added (eg. via a share issue / transfer, or an Associate investor is added) - if the Investor is new to Orchestra they will be sent an email inviting them to join Orchestra

  • Company communication to All Stakeholders or Shareholders or Associates or Optionholders - the relevant stakeholders are invited to view the communication

  • New Associate investor added - the new Associate investor is invited to login and view their holding

  • New share transaction (issue / transfer / cancel) - an email confirmation is sent to the parties to the transaction

  • Invite shareholder - an email is sent to the shareholder inviting them to view their investment

  • Option holder invite button - the option holder will be sent an email inviting them to join Orchestra

  • Option vesting event - the option holder is sent an email notifying them of the vesting event

  • Share vesting event (Loan to Purchase ESOP schemes) - the shareholder is sent an email notifying them of the vesting event

  • Option exercise event - the option holder is sent an email notifying them of the exercise event

  • Expiring options - the option holder is sent two emails notifying them that their options are expiring (three months in advance and one month in advance)

  • Expiring options - company Administrators are sent an email notifying them that they have option holders with expiring options

  • ESOP grant wizard 'Generate and send' - the ESOP Plan Rules document is sent to the option holder

  • ESOP grant wizard 'Send document' - the ESOP offer letter is sent to the option holder for electronic signing

  • Employee loans - the loan holder is sent an email notifying them that a new loan has been issued

  • Request to add a new user to a shareholder - the shareholder's existing users are sent an email to authorise the addition of a new user with full access to the shareholding entity and all of its holdings

  • Document signing 'Send document' - the document is sent to the individual(s) for signing

  • Valuation vault - if you opt to send an email to applicable stakeholders then they are notified of the entry of a share price

  • Dividends - when a dividend is published shareholders are sent an email notifying them that they have a dividend statement ready to view

  • ASIC correspondence is uploaded - an email is sent to 'owner' and 'service provider' company administrators

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) by email - an email is sent with the MFA one time code

  • Password reset requested - an email is sent with a link to reset the login password

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