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How does Orchestra integrate with the New Zealand Companies Office?
How does Orchestra integrate with the New Zealand Companies Office?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

Since Orchestra launched, we have maintained a close working relationship with the New Zealand Companies Office. Information flows between Orchestra and the New Zealand Companies Office via an API (application programming interface), which means, where possible, company administrators will not need to update both systems.

Do I update my information on Orchestra or the New Zealand Companies Office?

Your share register syncs from Orchestra to the New Zealand Companies Office. If you make your changes on Orchestra they will feed to the New Zealand Companies Office. Share register syncing does not occur in reverse which is why we don't recommend updating the Companies Office direct for your shareholder details.

What information is updated by the API?

Your share register will automatically sync from Orchestra to the New Zealand Companies Office when:

Your register of directors will automatically sync from Orchestra to the New Zealand Companies Office when:

What if I updated my shareholders at the New Zealand Companies Office?

If you update your shares or shareholders at the New Zealand Companies Office instead of on Orchestra, the Orchestra system alerts the Orchestra Team and pauses your API syncing. We'll contact you to check that you're able to make updates into Orchestra.

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