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Tali - Prepare Gift Aid Claims File to Submit to HMRC
Tali - Prepare Gift Aid Claims File to Submit to HMRC

Prepare Gift Aid Claims for HMRC in Tali

Dan Wakenshaw avatar
Written by Dan Wakenshaw
Updated over a week ago

You can create reports for Gift Aid transactions that meet the specifications for HMRC's online submissions, so you can submit these reports directly to HMRC.

HMRC limits submissions to 1000 transactions. If your period under submission has more than 1000 transactions, then you must prepare two or more reports for the same period for submission to HMRC so that each report has no more than 1000 transactions. You can do this using the Date from and Date to filters when making a New Claim for Donations report.

Prepare Gift Aid Claims File 

  1. Select Reports > New Claim for Donations.

  2. Enter the Date from which you want to claim Gift Aid on donations.

  3. Enter the Date to which you want to claim Gift Aid on donations.

  4. Click Preview Donations.This lets you view all transactions from eligible Gift Aid donors within the selected dates. Only transactions from pupils set up as eligible with complete information on a designated Gift Aid donor will appear in the report.
    If Gift Aid donors exist with incomplete information, you won't be able to claim gift aid for them. You can see which donors are missing information as they are greyed out in the report.

  5. To manage Gift Aid donor information, click the Manage Names link. Click the pupil’s name to bring up the Update Pupil screen and then select the Gift Aid tab to enter the complete gift aid donor information.

  6. If there are more than 1000 transactions in the Preview report, adjust the Date to field until the file has no more than 1000 transactions in it.

  7. Select Export to CSV to output the file needed to submit online to HMRC here.
    Once submitted, either store the CSV file securely or destroy the local copy. It is your responsibility to handle personal data in accordance with Data Protection laws.

  8. Select Print to print a copy for your own records.Note: You must store this securely as it is your responsibility to handle personal data in accordance with Data Protection laws.

  9. When you have submitted the CSV file successfully to HMRC, select Close Donation Period.This finalises your submission and archives it to your Claim History. See View Gift Aid Claims.
    You cannot re-open the donation period, so only do this when you are satisfied that HMRC has received the CSV file successfully for the period.

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