The Accounts Summary report lists accounts in Tali, showing the account Code, Account name, Income, Expenditure and Balance.ย
Depending on your selections of Include Transfers and Include Out of Use, the list can display accounts that include transfers or are out of use. Out of use accounts are shown in the list greyed out.ย
At the foot of the list you can see totals for Income, Expenditure and Balance.
View account transactions
View account transactions by drilling down on the account Code to display the View Transactions screen.
You can change the display order by clicking the hyperlink column name. For example:- clicking on Name will order the display alphabetically- clicking on Reference No. will order by the number- clicking on Payment will order by amount paid
You can click Print to print the list of account transactions.A prompt tells you the report is being prepared. Once it has finished, it is displayed as a PDF and you can then print the PDF file.
Export accounts list
Export a list of the accounts to a CSV file by clicking Export CSV.
โDepending on the computer you are using, the CSV file is:- automatically downloaded to your downloads folder with the name reports.csv- or you are prompted to choose the location and name to save the CSV file and then click Save.
Print accounts list
Click Print to print the Account Summary. A prompt tells you your report is being prepared. Once it has been prepared it is displayed as a PDF and you can then print the PDF file.
Search account balances
Click Search Account Balances and follow the instructions in the Article, Search Account Balances to perform a detailed search.