Calculate your balances
The balances shown in this section the first time you view your balances from the previous pages are automatically calculated and displayed from the entries you make on previous sections of the form. These are:
βBalances at your Banks + any 'in hand' Cash
The Total of your Unpresented/Unreconciled Credits
The Total of your Unpresented/Unreconciled Debits
The Total Balance of your AccountsIf you make changes to any of the sections, follow the instructions in the relvant articles for making the changes:
To make changes to Balances at your Banks and any 'in hand' cash, see the Article, Bank Accounts and Cash.
To make changes to The Total of your Unpresented/Unreconciled Credits or The Total of your Unpresented/Unreconciled Debits, see the Article, Unpresented and Unreconciled Credits and Debits.
To make changes to The Total Balance of your Accounts, see the Article, Accounts Setup.If you make changes to the balances, click Calculate to re-calculate and display the adjusted figures.
To save the details, click Save Progress. For information about how to set up an account to save progress, see the Article, The Data Collection Form.
To move to the next page, click Next. For more information, see the Article, Check Your Balances are Equal before you Submit your Form.