With our direct integration, you can easily connect your Perspective funnel with Personio by entering your Personio company ID and your API access token. This allows you to keep your Personio recruiting up to date.
Note: Our Personio direct integration is available from the Advanced Plan onwards.
As soon as an application comes through your funnel, a new application is automatically created in Personio and the relevant applicant data is transferred from your funnel.
💡 Tip: For all data to be transferred, each value from your funnel needs to have a corresponding match in Personio (see Mapping).
Setting up Personio Integration
1. Log in to Personio
You need an active account with Personio to access the API credentials and link Personio to your Perspective funnel.
2. Open Funnel Integrations
Open the funnel you want to connect to Personio. Make sure, Go to the "Apps" section in the editor and click the Personio tile. Then click "Connect".
💡 Make sure your funnel has been published before creating the Personio integration.
3. Add a new account
If no Personio connection exists yet, click "Add New Account".
4. Name connection
Give the new connection a name to easily identify it (e.g. "Personio Integration [Customer Name]").
5. Copy access data
Log in to Personio and go to "API Access Data" under "Integrations" in the settings.
Click on "Recruiting Integrations". Here you will find your "Company ID" and your "Access Token". Copy both.
6. Insert access data
Now paste your previously copied "Company ID" and your "Access Token" into the corresponding fields in Perspective.
7. Check connection
Click "Next". Perspective will now check the connection to Personio. Wait a few seconds.
8. Job Position ID
In Personio, under "Recruiting", switch to the desired position to which the applications via the funnel are to be assigned. Copy the ID from the URL. Insert it in Perspective at the "Job Position ID".
9. Check mapping
Check the mapping for "Required Assignment". This is necessary for the integration to work. Optionally add more fields for the "Optional Assignment".
Which fields can be mapped with the Personio direct integration? 💡
With the Personio direct integration, you can automatically transfer the following funnel fields:
Job Position ID
First Name
Last Name
Salary Expectations
Available From
External Posting ID
Recruiting Channel ID
10. Save settings
Click "Save Settings" and then activate the integration via the toggle.
11. Test integration
Create a test application and check if the application was successfully transferred to Personio. It may take up to 2 minutes for the application to arrive in Personio.
As soon as your funnel now captures an application, the contact data will be sent directly to your Personio account. Congratulations! 🚀