With our direct integration, you can easily connect your Perspective funnel to ActiveCampaign by storing your ActiveCampaign API URL and your API key. This allows you to keep your ActiveCampaign CRM up-to-date.
Note: Our ActiveCampaign direct integration is available from the Business plan onwards.
As soon as a lead registers in your funnel, a new contact is automatically created in ActiveCampaign and the relevant lead data is transferred from your funnel.
Setting up ActiveCampaign Integration
1. Log in to ActiveCampaign account
You need an active account with ActiveCampaign to access the API credentials and link ActiveCampaign to your Perspective funnel.
2. Open funnel integrations
Open the funnel you want to connect to ActiveCampaign. In the editor, go to the "Apps" section and click the ActiveCampaign tile. Then click "Connect".
3. Add new account
If no ActiveCampaign connection exists yet, click "Add New Account".
4. Name connection
Give the new connection a name to easily identify it (e.g. "ActiveCampaign integration").
5. Copy access data
In ActiveCampaign, go to Settings and then "Developer". Copy the API URL and the API key.
6. Insert access data
Now paste your previously copied API URL and your API key into the corresponding fields in Perspective.
7. Check connection
Click "Next". Perspective will now check the connection to ActiveCampaign. Wait a few seconds.
8. Check mapping
Check the mapping for "Required Assignment". This is necessary for the integration to work. Optionally add more fields for the "Optional Assignment".
Which fields can be mapped with the ActiveCampaign direct integration? đĄ
With the ActiveCampaign direct integration, you can automatically transfer the following funnel fields:
9. Save settings
Click "Save Settings" and then activate the integration via the toggle.
10. Test integration
Publish your funnel and create a test lead. Check if the lead was successfully transferred to ActiveCampaign.