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How to send an internal email through an automation
How to send an internal email through an automation
Updated over a week ago

To send an internal email using an automation, navigate to the 9 dots in the top right hand corner and then select ‘automations’ from the dropdown menu.

Select the ‘new automation’ button and choose the appropriate trigger for your desired automation. Here you may also add any filters on the trigger for the right start of the flow.

Select the small plus sign to add an action in the automation and scroll down to ‘internal email’.

In the ‘recipients’ field, choose who should receive this internal email and in ‘subject’ you can choose what the subject of the email will be.

Under the ‘content’ box, you can decide what will be included in the internal email. It is possible to include data tags in this field, so information like a contacts ‘first name’, ‘email’ or ‘credit balance’ will automatically be added.

At the top of the automation edit page there is a tap called ‘review’ where you can check the full automation and activate it using the ‘activate’ button at the bottom.

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