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Create and automate a birthday email
Create and automate a birthday email
Updated over a week ago

To create and automate a birthday email, navigate to ‘marketing’ and then ‘emails’.

Select ‘new email’ and choose the ‘send automatically’ button to make sure you design an automated email.

Choose ‘marketing’ as your email category and select any template you might want to use as a starting design.

Follow the steps to configure and complete your design, and make sure to complete all steps finishing with the ‘link’ step.

After designing your email, navigate and click on the 9 dots in the top right corner, then go down to ‘automations’.

Select ‘new automation’ and choose the ‘celebrate birthdays’ template. Then, choose the birthday email you just designed from the dropdown.

Review and name the automation and then select ‘activate’ when you are ready.

To change the ‘schedule’ or ‘re-enrolment’ rule of the automation, press ‘back’ when editing the automation page and locate the ‘schedule’ and ‘re-enrolment’ tabs to adjust these settings.

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